Null ESTEBAN VICENTE (1903-2001). "SHIPS".

ESTEBAN VICENTE (1903-2001). "SHIPS". 纸上水彩和水粉画。 已签名。 纸张右下角签名上方有撕裂痕迹。 纸张仍附在旧相册的纸板上。 21.5 x 29 厘米(无框)。 此拍品不包括在我们的拍卖后销售中。


ESTEBAN VICENTE (1903-2001). "SHIPS". 纸上水彩和水粉画。 已签名。 纸张右下角签名上方有撕裂痕迹。 纸张仍附在旧相册的纸板上。 21.5 x 29 厘米(无框)。 此拍品不包括在我们的拍卖后销售中。

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In the style of JOSEF HOFFMANN (Brtnice, Czech Republic, 1870 - Vienna, 1956). Pair of armchairs. Walnut wood. Fabric upholstery with floral decoration. With signs of wear and tear. With xylophages. The wood needs to be reworked. Measurements: 73 x 55 x 47 cm. Pair of armchairs of Central European style, framed within the Viennese Secession, with structure in walnut wood with structure of parallel bands, functional and of refined volumes. An architect and industrial designer, Josef Hoffmann studied at the Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna, where he was a disciple of Carl Freiherr von Hasenauer and Otto Wagner, whose theories of functional, modern architecture would profoundly influence his work. He won the Prix de Rome in 1895, and the following year he joined Wagner's office, collaborating with Olbrich on some projects for the Metropolitan. He established his own office in 1898, and taught at the School of Decorative Arts in Vienna between 1899 and 1936. He was also a founding member of the Viennese Secession. In 1900 he travelled to London, where he came into contact with the English school and discovered Mackintosh. On his return, he set up a workshop for the production of objects based on designs by Secession artists, and the Wiener Werkstätte was born, a workshop which had a great influence on 20th-century industrial design. By 1903, production began on an international scale. In the course of his life, Hoffmann produced a variety of projects for buildings and furnishings, and exhibited his creations all over the world. He is currently represented in the MAK and the Leopold Museum in Vienna, the Metropolitan and MoMA in New York, the Brohan in Berlin, the Courtauld Institute in London and the Victoria & Albert in London, among many others.

埃斯特班-维森特-佩雷斯(1903 年出生于塞戈维亚的图雷加诺,2001 年出生于纽约)。 无题》,1967 年。 纸上水墨。 已签名。 展览:马德里,Elvira González 画廊,"Esteban Vicente.黑与白",2000 年 3 月 17 日至 4 月 14 日,第 33 页(复制件)。巴塞罗那,Alejandro Sales 画廊,"Esteban Vicente",2006 年 11 月(再版)。 尺寸:48 x 70 厘米;70 x 90 厘米:48 x 70 厘米;70 x 90 厘米(画框)。 1921 年,埃斯特万-维森特进入马德里圣费尔南多美术学院学习,当时的目标是成为一名雕塑家,但很快他就决定投身绘画创作。1928 年,他举办了自己的首次画展,之后前往巴黎,在那里一直待到 1930 年。内战爆发后,他隐居在首都周围的山区工作。然而,就在 1936 年,他决定前往妻子的家乡纽约。1937 年,他在那里的 Kleeman 画廊首次举办了画展。四年后,他获得了美国国籍,因为他是共和党的支持者,决定不再返回西班牙。在随后的几年里,他接受了许多委托并举办了许多展览,1947 年至 1947 年期间,他在波多黎各大学担任绘画教授。回到美国后,他与新生的纽约画派建立了联系,参加了他在库茨画廊(1950 年)、第九街艺术展(1951 年)以及西德尼-詹尼斯和伊根画廊举办的展览。他是纽约工作室学校的创始成员之一,在那里任教长达 36 年。从八十年代起,他的作品开始在西班牙为人所知,西班牙为他举办了回顾展(Banco Exterior,1987 年;Museo Reina Sofía,1997 年),并授予他美术金奖(1990 年)和阿方索十世大十字奖章(1999 年)。1998 年,埃斯特万-维森特当代艺术博物馆在塞戈维亚落成,他的大部分作品保存至今。维森特的作品被收藏在世界各地的主要当代艺术博物馆中,如纽约大都会博物馆、古根海姆博物馆和现代艺术博物馆、马德里索菲亚王后国家博物馆、华盛顿特区史密森尼博物馆、威斯尼美国艺术博物馆或印第安纳波利斯艺术博物馆等。