Null RICARDO BENAIM (1949). Untitled, 1992.

RICARDO BENAIM (1949). Untitled, 1992. 亚麻布上的混合媒介。 背面有签名和日期。 颜料层有脱落,上部组件已损坏。 160 x 160 x 11 厘米(无框)。


RICARDO BENAIM (1949). Untitled, 1992. 亚麻布上的混合媒介。 背面有签名和日期。 颜料层有脱落,上部组件已损坏。 160 x 160 x 11 厘米(无框)。

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[书目]一套四卷: (影印本,A4 幅面,红布和 Skivertex 装订。) 威廉-霍巴特-罗伊斯:《有关奥诺雷-德-巴尔扎克生平和作品的著作》。芝加哥大学出版社,Kraus Reprint Co,1969 年。 奥托-克拉普:《法国文学史书目》。法兰克福,Vittorio Klostermann。收录了 1956 年至 1990 年第一卷至第二十八卷的所有 "巴尔扎克 "条目。 奥托-克拉普,《法国文学史书目》。法兰克福,Vittorio Klostermann。第 XXIX 和 XXX 卷(1991-1992 年) L. Carteret, Le Trésor du bibliophile romantique et moderne, 1801-1875.卡特雷特,1927 年(关于巴尔扎克的第 41 页至第 92 页) Le Courrier Balzacien. 巴黎,1948-1949 年,In-8。 1948年12月至1949年12月的前6期,由Papeteries Johannot出版的牛皮纸pur fil豪华版120册(第XXII号),第6号是H. C. 10册之一(第9号)。 叶片,印刷封面,封面第一卷至第五卷印有巴尔扎克不同时期的肖像。状况良好。 Courrier Balzacien》:80 至 2022 年间约 120 期,部分为复本,从系列中遗失,部分较旧期刊为影印本。 佚名 [Harel, Alhoy and Jal], Dictionnaire théâtral ou douze cent trente-trois vérités sur les directeurs, Régisseurs, acteurs (etc.) des divers théâtres.第 2 版,附增补。 巴黎,巴尔巴,1825 年,12 开本,318 页。 原版日期为 1824 年。 作为一名剧院人,哈雷尔可以说对剧院的内部情况了如指掌。在他的词典出版时,他还不是奥德翁剧院的院长,他还得到了另外两位作者的帮助,这两位作者在大型出版企业中经验丰富,但根本不是戏剧专家:莫里斯-阿尔霍伊,一位成功的作家,以及奥古斯特-雅尔,一位海洋文学专家。 扉页上有 "萨尔瓦多-H. "书签。 红色半巴萨内包书皮,光滑的书脊上有 5 条由 3 条镀金丝线、3 条冷色飞花和 2 条镀金飞花组成的假书脊,书脊头和书脊尾有胭脂红,书脊略有褪色;大理石纹边缘。 良好的副本。

JAVIER MARISCAL (Almazora, Castellón, 1950) for Akaba. Garriris" chair, 1987. Chrome-plated square steel tube frame with aluminum, plywood seat and red leather upholstery. In very good condition. This model is in important collections and museums such as the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, and the Museu del Disseny in Barcelona. It was exhibited at the George Pompidou in Paris for the Nouvelles Tendances exhibition in 1987. Measurements: 97 x 44 x 60 cm. The Garriris chair assimilates the animated character Mickey Mouse with the iconic ears on the backrest and his characteristic shoes. Renowned industrial designer, cartoonist and comic artist, Javier Mariscal has lived and worked in Barcelona since 1970. He studied design at the Elisava School in Barcelona, but soon abandoned his studies to learn directly from his surroundings and follow his own creative impulses. He began his career in the world of underground comics in publications such as "El Rrollo Enmascarado" or "Star", along with Farry, Nazario and Pepichek. After making his first own comics in the mid-seventies, in 1979 he designed the Bar Cel Ona logo, a work for which he began to be known by the general public. The following year the Dúplex opened in Valencia, the first bar signed by Mariscal, together with Fernando Salas, for which he designed one of his most famous pieces, the Dúplex stool, a true icon of design in the eighties both inside and outside our borders. In 1981 his work as a furniture designer led him to participate in the exhibition of the Memphis Group in Milan. In 1987 he exhibited at the Georges Pompidou Center in Paris and participated in the Documenta in Kassel. Two years later his design Cobi is chosen as the mascot for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, controversial at first but now recognized as the most profitable mascot in the history of the modern Games. In 1989 he created Estudio Mariscal and collaborated on various projects with designers and architects such as Arata Isozaki, Alfredo Arribas, Fernando Salas, Fernando Amat and Pepe Cortés. Among his most outstanding works are the visual identities for the Swedish Socialist Party, the Onda Cero radio station, the Barcelona Zoo, the University of Valencia, the Lighthouse design and architecture center in Glasgow, the GranShip cultural center in Japan, and the London post-production company Framestore. In 1999 he received the National Design Prize, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry and the BCD Foundation in recognition of his entire professional career.

NICOLAS MORIN (1959). Blown glass vase, 1997. Signed and dated on the base. Measurements: 14 x 16 x 16 cm. Nicolas Morin began working with glass in the family workshop in 1973. He traveled to Holland and Scandinavia in 1980, 81 and 82, where he had numerous contacts with glass artists (Wilhem Heessen, Sybren Valkema, Asa Brandt, Ulla Forsell, Ann Wolf, Wilke Adolfson, Monika Guggisberg and Philipp Baldwin, etc). He participated in the first International Symposium of Glass in France, in Sars Poteries, in 1982. He graduated from the School of Architecture of Marseille Luminy in 1984. He participated in the symposium "Art Verre Vin" in Saint Emilion 1984. He traveled to the United States in 1986. Exhibited at the "West Springfield Craft Fair". Collaborated with William Morris and Dale Chihuly in 1986. Held his first solo exhibition in Paris in 1987. He traveled to Scandinavia in 1992, where he visited in particular Finn Lingaard and Mikko Merikallio and Estonia to meet Vivii Ann Kerdo and Kaï Koppel, the first independent workshop in Eastern Europe. Participated in the International Symposium of blown glass in L'viv (UKR-1992) discovery of the Slavic part of the world of glass with the help of Catherine Sintès - Creation of a new line of sculptures with Catherine Sintès. Participated in the International Glassblowing Symposium of L'viv (UKR-1995). Participated in the Glass Symposium in Haapsalu (EST) in 2003, meetings with glass artists from the Baltic countries and the International Symposium of blown glass in L'viv (UKR-2004). He traveled to Japan with the presentation of Yoko Kuramoto and Makoto Ito in February 2005. He participated in the International Festival of Glass Stourbridge (UK, summer 2008).