"巴黎城市景观",1955 年。



TRINITAT SOTOS BAYARRI(萨瓦德尔,1927 年)。 "巴黎城市景观",1955 年。 纸面水彩画。 左下角有签名、年代和位置。 尺寸:42 x 26 厘米;59 x 42 厘米(框架):42 x 26 厘米;59 x 42 厘米(框架)。 特立尼达-索托斯-巴亚里是定居桑坦德的加泰罗尼亚画家,她从小就喜欢画画,年仅 12 岁就赢得了萨瓦德尔美术学院的儿童比赛。1940 年至 1946 年间,她师从绘画大师安东尼奥-维拉-阿鲁法特(Antonio Vila Arrufat),最后在巴塞罗那圣约尔迪美术学院深造,1951 年毕业。之后(1952-57 年)他在意大利和法国继续深造,并在纽约生活了一段时间。自 1946 年出道以来,他先后在马德里比奥斯卡画廊(1957 年)、巴黎雷蒙德-邓肯画廊(1959 年)、纽约沃德-埃格尔斯顿画廊(1961 年)、马德里特里亚侬宫画廊(1970 年)等著名画廊举办展览。


TRINITAT SOTOS BAYARRI(萨瓦德尔,1927 年)。 "巴黎城市景观",1955 年。 纸面水彩画。 左下角有签名、年代和位置。 尺寸:42 x 26 厘米;59 x 42 厘米(框架):42 x 26 厘米;59 x 42 厘米(框架)。 特立尼达-索托斯-巴亚里是定居桑坦德的加泰罗尼亚画家,她从小就喜欢画画,年仅 12 岁就赢得了萨瓦德尔美术学院的儿童比赛。1940 年至 1946 年间,她师从绘画大师安东尼奥-维拉-阿鲁法特(Antonio Vila Arrufat),最后在巴塞罗那圣约尔迪美术学院深造,1951 年毕业。之后(1952-57 年)他在意大利和法国继续深造,并在纽约生活了一段时间。自 1946 年出道以来,他先后在马德里比奥斯卡画廊(1957 年)、巴黎雷蒙德-邓肯画廊(1959 年)、纽约沃德-埃格尔斯顿画廊(1961 年)、马德里特里亚侬宫画廊(1970 年)等著名画廊举办展览。

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FRANCISCO PONS ARNAU Valencia (1886) / Madrid (1955) "The girl with the pitcher", 1928 Oil on canvas Signed and dated in the lower right corner. Bibliography: - Perez Rojas, FJ, From the decline of the great masters to the Valencian artistic youth (1912-1927), exhibition catalogue, Valencia, 2016, cat. 195, p. 82. Exhibitions: - Pons Arnau 1886-1953, exhibition catalogue, Ansorena Gallery, Madrid, 1987, cat. #9; - Perez Rojas, FJ, From the decline of the great masters to the Valencian artistic youth (1912-1927), exhibition catalogue, Valencia, 2016, cat. 195, p. 82. Francisco Pons Arnau was one of Joaquin Sorolla's main disciples, also becoming his son-in-law when he married his daughter Maria de Sorolla. Although landscapes abound in his production, he also cultivated portraiture, developing in this genre a type of work of great sensuality and exquisiteness that links him to Modernism and Art Deco. An example of this is this beautiful canvas of The Wench of the Pitcher, in which the painter demonstrates his interest in the treatment of light and the brightness of colors, achieving transparencies and enamelled surfaces that show the influence of Symbolism. His canvases of female figures, as defined by the chronicles of the time, have a character of “modern worldliness” but, in this case, the chic woman disappears and the protagonist is a young racial woman with a deep and disturbing gaze, much closer to the symbolist aesthetic. As in most of his production, in this work he demonstrates his skill in representing things, their “qualities”, as can be seen in the shiny and enameled texture of the jug that the girl holds, and also the type of lighting. modern “Valencian style”, in which the silhouette of the female model is silhouetted against the whitewashed wall in the background. Measurements: 76 x 70 cm.