Null 莱蒙-桑耶蒂安娜之景》(d)布面油画
背面有签名、位置和日期 2005。
61x95 厘米。状况良好。木框。

莱蒙-桑耶蒂安娜之景》(d)布面油画 背面有签名、位置和日期 2005。 61x95 厘米。状况良好。木框。


莱蒙-桑耶蒂安娜之景》(d)布面油画 背面有签名、位置和日期 2005。 61x95 厘米。状况良好。木框。

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In the style of JOSEF HOFFMANN (Brtnice, Czech Republic, 1870 - Vienna, 1956). Pair of armchairs. Walnut wood. Fabric upholstery with floral decoration. With signs of wear and tear. With xylophages. The wood needs to be reworked. Measurements: 73 x 55 x 47 cm. Pair of armchairs of Central European style, framed within the Viennese Secession, with structure in walnut wood with structure of parallel bands, functional and of refined volumes. An architect and industrial designer, Josef Hoffmann studied at the Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna, where he was a disciple of Carl Freiherr von Hasenauer and Otto Wagner, whose theories of functional, modern architecture would profoundly influence his work. He won the Prix de Rome in 1895, and the following year he joined Wagner's office, collaborating with Olbrich on some projects for the Metropolitan. He established his own office in 1898, and taught at the School of Decorative Arts in Vienna between 1899 and 1936. He was also a founding member of the Viennese Secession. In 1900 he travelled to London, where he came into contact with the English school and discovered Mackintosh. On his return, he set up a workshop for the production of objects based on designs by Secession artists, and the Wiener Werkstätte was born, a workshop which had a great influence on 20th-century industrial design. By 1903, production began on an international scale. In the course of his life, Hoffmann produced a variety of projects for buildings and furnishings, and exhibited his creations all over the world. He is currently represented in the MAK and the Leopold Museum in Vienna, the Metropolitan and MoMA in New York, the Brohan in Berlin, the Courtauld Institute in London and the Victoria & Albert in London, among many others.

约翰-洛克菲勒和亨利-弗拉格勒签名的标准石油信托股票证书 部分印刷的 DS,署名 "约翰-D-洛克菲勒 "和 "亨利-M-弗拉格勒",一页,11.5 x 7.75,1882 年 12 月 29 日。向本杰明-布鲁斯特签发的洛克菲勒标准石油信托公司 1460 股股票证书,最后由约翰-D-洛克菲勒(John D. Rockefeller)作为总裁、亨利-M-弗拉格勒(Henry M. Flagler)作为秘书、贾比兹-A-博斯特威克(Jabez A. Bostwick)作为司库签字。收据原件仍粘贴在左侧边缘。保存完好。 约翰-洛克菲勒(1839-1937 年)是一位商业巨头和慈善家,他的标准石油帝国使他成为世界上最富有的人。亨利-弗拉格勒(Henry Flagler,1830-1913 年)是一位房地产和铁路企业家,也是标准石油公司的创始人之一,他努力将佛罗里达打造成为 "南方的新港",提供广泛的铁路通道和豪华酒店来吸引富有的度假者。贾比兹-阿贝尔-博斯特威克(Jabez Abel Bostwick,1830-1892 年)是标准石油公司的创始合伙人,并担任公司的第一任财务主管。 本杰明-布鲁斯特(1828-1897 年)是美国实业家、金融家,也是标准石油公司最初的受托人之一。布鲁斯特参与了曼哈顿高架铁路的建设,也是许多大型铁路交易,特别是芝加哥、圣保罗、明尼阿波利斯和奥马哈铁路重组的财务领导者。他曾担任芝加哥、石岛和太平洋铁路公司的副总裁,也是芝加哥和东伊利诺伊铁路公司以及特拉华和哈德逊运河公司的董事。他还是国际航运公司(美国轮船公司的所有者)的董事。 这是一张重要的股票证书,记载了标准石油公司的众多重要关联。