Null 萨尔瓦多狩猎静物木板油画一对
28x38 厘米。清漆状况不佳,已经老化。灰泥镀金木框,有瑕疵。

萨尔瓦多狩猎静物木板油画一对 一幅已签名 28x38 厘米。清漆状况不佳,已经老化。灰泥镀金木框,有瑕疵。


萨尔瓦多狩猎静物木板油画一对 一幅已签名 28x38 厘米。清漆状况不佳,已经老化。灰泥镀金木框,有瑕疵。

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萨尔瓦多-达利-伊-多姆内奇(菲格拉斯,赫罗纳,1904 - 1989 年)。 "七种艺术",1980 年。 达利装饰的六个瓷盘。 背面有标题和签名。 背面有证书。 尺寸:25.5 厘米(直径):25.5 厘米(直径)。 六幅萨尔瓦多-达利的作品,有标题和签名。每块版画上都体现了萨尔瓦多-达利的七种艺术:绘画、建筑、音乐、诗歌、舞蹈、雕塑和戏剧。背面刻有授权印制的 5000 套藏品的鉴定证书。版画上印有场景。 白色 Bidasoa 陶瓷制成,带金色边缘,底座上有标记。 达利早年在卡达凯斯(Cadaqués)探亲期间发现了当代绘画,并在那里结识了经常到巴黎旅行的艺术家拉蒙-皮肖(Ramon Pichot)一家。根据皮肖的建议,达利开始跟随胡安-努涅斯学习绘画。1922 年,达利住进了马德里著名的 Residencia de Estudiantes,开始在圣费尔南多学院学习美术。然而,在 1926 年的期末考试前,他因声称那里没有适合考试的人而被开除。同年,达利首次前往巴黎。在那里,他结识了毕加索,并确立了一些形式特征,这些特征从此成为他所有作品的显著特征。在此期间,达利定期在巴塞罗那和巴黎举办画展,并加入了以巴黎蒙帕纳斯街区为基地的超现实主义团体。1934 年,在艺术经纪人朱利安-列维的帮助下,画家达利来到美国。他在纽约举办的首次个人画展明确巩固了他在国际上的地位,此后他一直在世界各地展出自己的作品并举办讲座。他的大部分作品都收藏在菲格拉斯的达利剧院博物馆(Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueras),其次是佛罗里达州圣彼得堡萨尔瓦多-达利博物馆(Salvador Dalí Museum)、马德里索菲亚王后博物馆(Reina Sofía)、加利福尼亚州太平洋帕利塞兹萨尔瓦多-达利画廊(Salvador Dalí Gallery in Pacific Palisades)、巴黎蒙马特达利空间(Espace Dalí)或伦敦达利宇宙(Dalí Universe)。 背面为证书。

OLE WANSCHER (Denmark, 1903-1985) for FRANCE & SON. A pair of “Senator” armchairs. Solid teak frame. Original loose brown leather cushions. Made in France & Son, with label from here. In good vintage condition. Measurements: 79 x 68 x 74 cm. Seat height 43 cm. Considered integral to the core aesthetics and functionality of Danish design, Ole Wanscher studied alongside Kaare Klint at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. He subsequently worked at Klint's design studio before becoming an independent furniture designer. In 1958, the Danish newspaper Politiken wrote: “Owning a Wanscher chair is an adventure every day, and it will continue to be so, even if hundreds of years pass, for this is how long it lasts.” Today, his modern classics are still revered. for its details and deep respect for materials. While traveling through Egypt and Europe, Wanscher studied furniture design, finding inspiration in various visual expressions that he incorporated into his own unique design aesthetic. He saw furniture design as a branch of architecture and emphasized slender dimensions and sturdy forms, a pursuit exemplified in many of his works, particularly the Colonial Chair and the Colonial Sofa. Wanscher created his best-known designs primarily between the late 1940s and early 1960s, in the post-war era, when the philosophy of "design for all" emerged. In Denmark, some of the biggest names in design created functional and affordable furniture for Danes and the small spaces in which they lived. Wanscher was very interested in industrially produced but high-quality furniture, designing several successful pieces. Wanscher's design earned him numerous accolades, including the Annual Prize of the Copenhagen Carpenters' Guild and the gold medal at the Milan Triennale in 1960, honors that underlined Wanscher's esteemed reputation both in Denmark and internationally. France & Søn - and its predecessor, France & Daverkosen - are among the most sought-after names on the vintage market today. Many of the pieces that still circulate retain their original labels. Its productions were designed by the most important Danish designers of the mid-century, such as Hvidt & Mølgaard, Grete Jalk, Finn Juhl, Arne Vodder and Ole Wanscher.