Null 玛丽-安托瓦内特-布拉德-德维。越南人纸上水墨画
25.5x18.5 厘米。锈迹斑斑。装裱在玻璃框中。未在玻璃外检查过。

玛丽-安托瓦内特-布拉德-德维。越南人纸上水墨画 25.5x18.5 厘米。锈迹斑斑。装裱在玻璃框中。未在玻璃外检查过。


玛丽-安托瓦内特-布拉德-德维。越南人纸上水墨画 25.5x18.5 厘米。锈迹斑斑。装裱在玻璃框中。未在玻璃外检查过。

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DONALD CHADWICK (1936) & WILLIAM STUMP (1936-2006) for HERMANN MILLER. Aeron multi-adjustable office chair, 1992 design. Latest generation with leather upholstered armrests. Made of polished aluminum and recycled plastic. Made from 66% recycled material, 94% of the chair is recyclable. With Herman Miller label. Unused. In original packaging. Packaging dimensions: 107 x 69 x 69 cm. Size. B. The Aeron chair, designed by William Stump and Donald Chadwick, brings together material innovation and ergonomics in a thoroughly thought out and studied manner. It was especially known for changing people's perception of what an office chair could be, and in doing so soon found a place in popular culture. It is, consequently, a piece of furniture that seeks positivity for health, cross-performance, inclusive size and sensitivity to the environment. The result is a comfortable chair without the standard use of foam, fabric or leather. As editor Hermann Miller herself states, "While its iconic form has remained largely unchanged, the Aeron chair has been remastered from the pitchers to meet the needs of today's work. With the help of the original co-designer, Don Chadwick, the chair has been carefully updated based on the latest research around the science of ergonomics and advances in materials, manufacturing and technology." William Stump (William Eugene "Bill" Stumpf, 1936-2006) and Donald Chadwick (also known as Don Chadwick, born 1936) teamed up to create one of Herman Miller's best-known designs. In designing the Aeron chair, Chadwick and Stumpf took on a major challenge, making an office chair that truly supports the human form, and resulted in a chair without a single straight line.

[玛丽-特蕾泽,西班牙女皇和法国皇太子妃]。旅行臂章。Sl, sd(约 1745 年)。 这件极具历史意义的物品上印有西班牙王妃玛丽-泰雷兹-安托瓦内特的纹章,她是路易-德-法兰西的第一任妻子,路易十五的长子。 带有盾徽的红色软木旅行箱。高 23 x 长 57.5 x 宽 29.7 厘米。 由于其稀有性、质量和王室血统,这款箱子是一件非凡之作,由法国皮革工匠 L .Lecoq制作,背面印有他的标记(公鸡徽章,周围环绕着他的编号L L),并用镀金熨斗熨烫在漆皮上。 勒考克家族是一个名副其实的皮革工匠王朝,他们的技艺世代相传,在整个十八世纪都是凡尔赛宫的忠实供应商。 玛丽-泰雷兹-安托瓦内特-拉法埃尔-德-波旁,西班牙王妃和法国王储,1726年生于马德里,1746年逝世于凡尔赛,她是西班牙公主,菲利普五世和伊丽莎白-法尔内塞的女儿,为了法国和西班牙的和解,1745年嫁给了法国王储路易,路易十五的长子,未来路易十六的父亲(他从未在位)(与此同时,首相夫人也嫁给了菲利普王储)。 这种旅行家具是所有法国公主旅行时乘坐的火车的稀有纪念品。这些小箱子可以用来存放饰品、餐具、各种书籍等。(OHR,2525)。 行李箱保存完好。箱体上有轻微的磨损痕迹、不明显的污迹(饰边或底部有发黑的灰尘)和轻微的修复痕迹(底部和开口绳是后来安装的,可能是为了代替通常与此类物品外部饰边相同的金属支架)。所有推杆上的镀金都略有模糊或氧化。