Null 玛丽-安托瓦内特-布拉德-德维。产妇,越南。粘在硬纸板上的纸上炭笔
已签名,创作于越南。制作时间约为 1926 年。
39x25 厘米。有湿渍和褶皱。

玛丽-安托瓦内特-布拉德-德维。产妇,越南。粘在硬纸板上的纸上炭笔 已签名,创作于越南。制作时间约为 1926 年。 39x25 厘米。有湿渍和褶皱。


玛丽-安托瓦内特-布拉德-德维。产妇,越南。粘在硬纸板上的纸上炭笔 已签名,创作于越南。制作时间约为 1926 年。 39x25 厘米。有湿渍和褶皱。

该拍品的拍卖已经结束 查看结果


PACO PEREGRÍN(阿尔梅里亚,1976 年)。 "天蝎座》,2015 年。 装裱在铝板上的数码照片。 将提供由艺术家签发的鉴定证书。 作品在艺术家的网站上发布。 -书目:Fucking Young!》杂志第 6 期 y "Artificio "展览目录。安达卢西亚摄影中心(CAF),2018 年。 -展览:安达卢西亚摄影中心(CAF)。个展 "Artificio",2018年6月1日至7月15日:50 x 40 厘米;51 x 41 厘米(框架)。 帕科-佩雷格林(Paco Peregrín)是一位杰出的安达卢西亚摄影师、视觉艺术家和创意总监,常驻马德里,在国际艺术、广告和时尚界工作(他曾为迪奥、香奈儿、圣罗兰、巴黎欧莱雅、兰蔻、资生堂、玛丽-达尔迦、欧舒丹、La Rinascente、Vögele Shoes、阿迪达斯、耐克等全球品牌实现和指导高级项目)。他在著名杂志上发表作品,如《Vogue》(意大利、德国、西班牙)、《Harper's Bazaar》(美国、俄罗斯、西班牙和越南)、《VMAN》、《L'Officiel》、《Vanity Fair》、《ELLE》、《Marie Claire》、《Grazia》、《Cosmopolitan》、《Glamour》、《Dsection》、《Fucking Young!》、《Vision》、《Zink!》、《Neo2》、《Yo Dona》、《Vanidad》、《Schön!》、《》、《Allure》、《NYLON》等。 他毕业于塞维利亚大学艺术系,曾在纽约国际摄影中心、伦敦中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院、马德里康普顿斯大学、圣地亚哥-德孔波斯特拉大学深造...... 他曾获得多项重要资助(Pilar Juncosa 和苏富比拍卖行、Talens、康普顿斯大学、塞维利亚市政府、Proyectos de Fotografía Caja San Fernando、Centro Andaluz de la Fotografía 等),其视听作品曾在芝加哥时尚电影节、伦敦时尚电影节、布鲁塞尔国际时尚电影节和戛纳全球短片奖等国际电影节上获奖。 他的作品被多家重要艺术机构收藏(马德里社区安达卢西亚摄影中心、塞维利亚大学安达卢西亚青年学院、Talens 基金会、Doña Mencía 文化代表团当代艺术收藏馆、安达卢西亚 Seriado 艺术中心。......),并被收录在众多书籍中,如《Artificio》(Centro Andaluz de la Fotografía,阿尔梅里亚大学出版社)、《面对》、第六届跨界艺术项目(Marie Dalgar,北京)、《Super-Modified:The Behance Book of Creative Work"(Gestalten)、"Diccionario de fotógrafos españoles" (La Fábrica & Acción Cultural Española )、"Otherworldly"(Gestalten)、"New Fashion Photography" (Prestel)、"PALETTE 03:PALETTE 03: Gold & Silver, New Metallic Graphics" (Victionary), "PALETTE 02: Multicolour, New Rainbow-hued Graphics" (Victionary), "Cazadores de Tendencias: los nombres esenciales de Moda Española" (Lunwerg), "STAND BY_012.Guía de Fotografía Andaluza Actual"(Valentín de Madariaga 基金会和 MP 公司)、"Hair'em Scare'em"(Gestalten)或 "Arte desde Andalucía para el siglo XXI catalogación monográfica ilustrada del jovene art andaluz"(Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía)。 我的作品曾在纽约、北京、巴黎、巴塞罗那、马德里、柏林、塞维利亚、圣塞瓦斯蒂安、巴伦西亚、卡塞雷斯、阿尔梅里亚 .... 等地的画廊展出。以及安达卢西亚当代艺术中心(塞维利亚)、克里斯托巴尔-巴伦西亚加博物馆(吉普斯夸省赫塔里亚)、塞维利亚艺术与传统博物馆等博物馆展出、塞维利亚 CaixaForum、安达卢西亚摄影中心、ARTSevilla、Sala de Exposiciones del Canal de Isabel II、Forosur 2004(伊比利亚美洲当代艺术博览会)和 PHotoESPAÑA。 Peregrín 的作品具有丰富的象征意义,灵感来自古典艺术、佛兰德斯和巴洛克绘画以及最具实验性的前卫文化。他关注身体的社会形象、对身体的感知、当代美的标准、面具的概念、时间的流逝、大众媒体的传播、消费社会的广告、新技术以及身体的表现形式,以此来探讨当今权力和性别角色的后果。 将提供由艺术家签发的鉴定证书。 作品在艺术家的网站上发布。 -参考书目:作品集:《Fucking Young!》杂志第 6 期;"Artificio "展览目录。安达卢西亚摄影中心(CAF),2018 年。

MARIO BELLINI (Milan, 1935) for B&B Italia. 2-seater sofa "Le Bambole", designed in the 70s. Original leather with signs of wear due to age. Measurements: 73 x 170 x 85 cm; 42 cm (seat height). The Bambole armchair, with large, soft cushions, is an icon of Italian design of the 1970s, winner of the Compasso d'Oro in 1979. It was a revolutionary model, reflected as a series of large upholstered cushions placed together almost randomly, in response to the transformations of life underway in the early part of that decade. The innovation of the design led photographer Oliviero Toscani to photograph Donna Jordan (a model he met at Warhol's Factory) lying bare-breasted on it. These images were first censored, but later went around the world in magazines and design manuals. Trained as an architect at the Polytechnic University of Milan, Mario Bellini founded his studio in 1987, winning with his brand the Gold Medal of the Chartered Society of Designers in the United Kingdom. He has also received the Compasso d'Oro 8 times and 25 of his works are in the permanent design exhibition at MoMA in New York. His profession goes beyond architecture and urban planning, as his passion for decoration has led him to become a furniture designer collaborating with internationally recognized brands such as Cassina, Kartell, Rosenthal, Venini, Vitra, Driade or Natuzzi. The impact and influence of Bellini, has led him to be present in major projects such as The Museum of Islamic Arts at Louvre Museum in 2012, or in the extension of the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne in 2003.

MARIO BELLINI (Milan, 1935) for B&B Italia. 2-seater sofa "Le Bambole", designed in the 70s. Original leather with signs of wear due to age. Measurements: 73 x 170 x 85 cm; 42 cm (seat height). The Bambole armchair, with large, soft cushions, is an icon of Italian design of the 1970s, winner of the Compasso d'Oro in 1979. It was a revolutionary model, reflected as a series of large upholstered cushions placed together almost randomly, in response to the transformations of life underway in the early part of that decade. The innovation of the design led photographer Oliviero Toscani to photograph Donna Jordan (a model he met at Warhol's Factory) lying bare-breasted on it. These images were first censored, but later went around the world in magazines and design manuals. Trained as an architect at the Polytechnic University of Milan, Mario Bellini founded his studio in 1987, winning with his brand the Gold Medal of the Chartered Society of Designers in the United Kingdom. He has also received the Compasso d'Oro 8 times and 25 of his works are in the permanent design exhibition at MoMA in New York. His profession goes beyond architecture and urban planning, as his passion for decoration has led him to become a furniture designer collaborating with internationally recognized brands such as Cassina, Kartell, Rosenthal, Venini, Vitra, Driade or Natuzzi. The impact and influence of Bellini, has led him to be present in major projects such as The Museum of Islamic Arts at Louvre Museum in 2012, or in the extension of the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne in 2003.