Null rigalt 车间。归功于梳妆打扮的女士,周围环绕着植物图案。一对带有现代主义彩色玻璃窗的门,玻璃窗由带有各种浮雕纹理的多色教堂玻璃、盆和较大的珐琅板…

rigalt 车间。归功于梳妆打扮的女士,周围环绕着植物图案。一对带有现代主义彩色玻璃窗的门,玻璃窗由带有各种浮雕纹理的多色教堂玻璃、盆和较大的珐琅板制成。新哥特式结构的彩绘松木门。创作于 20 世纪头几十年。 类似作品:在位于巴塞罗那 Diputación 街 250 号的 Casa Garriga Nogués,有来自 Rigalt 工作坊的彩色玻璃窗,边框和植物图案的设计几乎完全相同。里加尔特作坊还制作了带珐琅板的彩色玻璃窗,其工艺与这些门中心的玻璃窗非常相似。 原产地:历史学家、人种学家和政治家何塞普-玛丽亚-巴蒂斯塔-罗卡(Josep Maria Batista i Roca,1895-1978 年,巴塞罗那)的旧财产。这两扇门来自巴塞罗那一幢身份不明的房子。 这两扇门来自西班牙巴塞罗那的一栋身份不明的房屋。 彩绘玻璃窗总高约 3.03 米,宽 60 厘米,高约 2.23 米。安装在门上的彩色玻璃窗。门已拆卸,没有门框。彩色玻璃窗牢固,总体状况良好。原装引线、小断裂、小故障和大量表面污垢,尤其是一侧。 它位于现任主人的家中,在巴塞罗那省埃斯帕拉格拉的一栋房子里。买方必须负责从家中取货和运输。


rigalt 车间。归功于梳妆打扮的女士,周围环绕着植物图案。一对带有现代主义彩色玻璃窗的门,玻璃窗由带有各种浮雕纹理的多色教堂玻璃、盆和较大的珐琅板制成。新哥特式结构的彩绘松木门。创作于 20 世纪头几十年。 类似作品:在位于巴塞罗那 Diputación 街 250 号的 Casa Garriga Nogués,有来自 Rigalt 工作坊的彩色玻璃窗,边框和植物图案的设计几乎完全相同。里加尔特作坊还制作了带珐琅板的彩色玻璃窗,其工艺与这些门中心的玻璃窗非常相似。 原产地:历史学家、人种学家和政治家何塞普-玛丽亚-巴蒂斯塔-罗卡(Josep Maria Batista i Roca,1895-1978 年,巴塞罗那)的旧财产。这两扇门来自巴塞罗那一幢身份不明的房子。 这两扇门来自西班牙巴塞罗那的一栋身份不明的房屋。 彩绘玻璃窗总高约 3.03 米,宽 60 厘米,高约 2.23 米。安装在门上的彩色玻璃窗。门已拆卸,没有门框。彩色玻璃窗牢固,总体状况良好。原装引线、小断裂、小故障和大量表面污垢,尤其是一侧。 它位于现任主人的家中,在巴塞罗那省埃斯帕拉格拉的一栋房子里。买方必须负责从家中取货和运输。

该拍品的拍卖已经结束 查看结果


Pair of Art Deco cabinets attributed to PAOLO BUFFA (1903-1970). Italy, 1940s. Lacquered wood and parchment. Keys included. Measurements: 120 x 80 x 40 cm. Extraordinary pair of desks or secretaire, Art Deco style and period, attributed to the Italian designer Paolo Buffa. Refined and elegant, they follow the style of the splendid designer and are made of black lacquered wood and parchment. The design, with clean and simple lines, focuses attention on its long legs of decreasing diameter and on the contrast created by the materials. With a black and white exterior, it impresses when you open its door and discover the red and embossed leather, which creates an elegant and striking effect. Paolo Buffa's work stands out for the perfection of execution and the neoclassical influence on his style, which the designer acquired during his training at Gio Ponti's studio throughout the 1920s. The solid and elegant lines that characterize his furniture seem to emulate a continuity between the 19th and 20th centuries. Of this pair of design gems, the use of parchment stands out. This element of animal origin is obtained from the hairless and well stretched skin of the cow or lamb, although even squirrel skin has been used. Its origin dates back to a time before Christ, remains of papyrus have been found from the second century B.C. Its use has been varied, from writing and illuminations to the coating of other objects such as books or furniture for decorative purposes, conferring luxury and prestige to the piece. The design, although always evolving, does not lose the essence of good materials.