Null ELISEU QUEROL。栏杆杯形花盆。马赛克陶瓷,巴塞罗那,约 1919 年
高 53 厘米。有破损和瑕疵。

ELISEU QUEROL。栏杆杯形花盆。马赛克陶瓷,巴塞罗那,约 1919 年 高 53 厘米。有破损和瑕疵。


ELISEU QUEROL。栏杆杯形花盆。马赛克陶瓷,巴塞罗那,约 1919 年 高 53 厘米。有破损和瑕疵。

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PERE COSP (Barcelona, 1907-2007). Wall or table lamp, 1948-1949. Rusty, perforated iron (decorated with vegetal fretwork and salamanders). Coloured paper inside. Use marks. Damaged fabric lampshade (loose from the base and frame. The lampshade is superimposed on the base and has no other support). Provenance: House in Llavaneras (Barcelona) with an interior designed entirely by Pere Cosp in 1948-1949, referenced on the website dedicated to the author,, which lists the most important interior designs he made for individuals and companies. Measurements: 19,5 x 19,5 x 10 cm.(wall lamp); 26 x 31 x 15 cm.(screen). Pere Cosp was an interior designer from Barcelona. With a largely self-taught background, Pere Cosp redirected the family craft workshop towards interior design and integral decoration. The profession served him to give free rein to his creative talent, intentionally distanced from the fashions and trends of the time. Proof of the non-conformist and restless personality that defined him are the designs of his furniture, which still retain an innovative and transgressive spirit. Cosp attended the Escuela de Artes y Bellos Oficios (School of Arts and Crafts), as well as the perspective classes of Professor Arola. But more important for him was the practical part: entering the family workshop and experiencing at first hand all the trades that were carried out there: gilding, mouldings and all kinds of restoration work. He also worked with the furniture maker Alonso and the decorator Parcerises. Pere Cosp was a pioneer in the use of materials that could be called humble, such as pine wood, chipboard, raffia, etc., which he elevated to a higher level through their treatment and use. He often collaborated with other trades: in the field of metalwork, he worked with Biosca y Botey and Pere Peronella. In this line of collaborations, he produced screen feet, wall sconces, outdoor furniture for gardens, an extensive collection of knobs and handles. The decoration of these elements or the final finishing was always done in the workshop. He made combinations of great beauty: stone, marble - Terra Passani was the main supplier - mosaic, in collaboration with Bru, glass, Granell, enamel, Morató, lacquer, according to drawings by his daughter Guillermina, parchment, with which he made wonderful small tables, doors, bed headboards, etc,

莫伊塞斯-比利亚(MOISÉS VILLÈLIA,巴塞罗那,1928 - 1994 年)。 "模特 "1978-1979。 竹子和陶瓷材料(砖)。 附有一幅原始草图,由艺术家签名、注明日期、位置和标题。 尺寸:60 x 45 x 20 厘米:60 x 45 x 20 厘米。 Moisés Sanmarón Puig,艺名 Villèlia,是一位与抽象运动有关的雕塑家,最初认同 Dau al Set 团体的艺术主张。他在父亲--一位著名工匠--的作坊里学习木雕,童年时期接受的是理性主义教育,后因内战爆发而中断。战后,他举家从巴塞罗那搬到了马塔洛。1945 年,维莱利亚对诗歌产生了浓厚的兴趣,他创作了自己的第一件作品--形象木雕,作品的轮廓修长而富有动感。1949 年,他在马塔洛博物馆首次展出了自己的作品。四年后,他与父亲一起为该市的圣安娜小教堂制作木雕,之后他决定全身心投入雕塑创作。在这些年里,他创作了第一批非具象作品,这些作品采用管状形式,带有纵向通道和穿孔。他开始接触巴塞罗那艺术界,尤其是诗人拉巴塞达(Rabasseda)和评论家亚历山大-西里奇(Alexandre Cirici)。1954 年,他在马塔洛博物馆举办了首次个展。他展出了自己的首批作品,这些浮雕融合了现代主义和东方哲学的影响,而东方哲学自他少年时代起就一直伴随着他的生活。1963 年,他设计了组合作品,这些作品可以根据购买者的喜好进行组合,这唤醒了他对网络日益浓厚的兴趣。凭借巴塞罗那法国学院的奖学金,他于 1967 年移居巴黎。在法国首都,他以穿孔纸为主要创作材料。两年后,他移居阿根廷,他的兄弟也是一位雕塑家,最后他在基多定居,直到 1972 年。回到西班牙后,他搬到了赫罗纳的莫洛镇,在那里他致力于超现实主义雕塑的创作,他在雕塑中使用柳木和拼装物品,这使他这一时期的作品具有某种幽默感。他于 1994 年去世,1999 年巴伦西亚 IVAM 为他举办了大型回顾展。他的作品目前在巴塞罗那 MACBA、索菲亚王后国家艺术中心博物馆和巴利亚多利德 Patio Herreriano 当代艺术博物馆展出。