Null Jesús de Miguel Alcántara (1958-2022) "La genuina gravedad del ser"

Jesús de Miguel Alcántara (1958-2022) "La genuina gravedad del ser" 布面油画。左下角有签名 "Miguel Alcántara"。背面注明标题、签名和尺寸。 尺寸:81 x 65 厘米


Jesús de Miguel Alcántara (1958-2022) "La genuina gravedad del ser" 布面油画。左下角有签名 "Miguel Alcántara"。背面注明标题、签名和尺寸。 尺寸:81 x 65 厘米

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意大利流派;十七世纪上半叶。 "即将死去的基督"。 镀银青铜。 尺寸:29 x 28 x 5 厘米;38 厘米(底座):29 x 28 x 5 厘米;38 厘米(底座)。 该十字架是 Giambolo-Gnesco 圈子中此类青铜器的一部分,具有极高的执行质量,可追溯到十六世纪末至十七世纪初。这件作品与佛罗伦萨圣母修道院收藏的两件十字架、北安普顿史密斯学院艺术博物馆收藏的一件、锡耶纳私人收藏的另一件(见 P. Torriti,图 77)、锡耶纳私人收藏的另一件(见 P. Torriti,图 77)以及北安普顿史密斯学院艺术博物馆收藏的另一件等著名作品有相似之处。托里蒂,图 77);私人收藏中的另外三件(展览目录:"詹博洛尼亚 1529-1608",1978 年,编号 99、100、101);以及杜埃市博物馆中的 "半活基督 "混合变体。 由于腰布褶皱的线性,这幅作品被认为是詹博洛尼亚之后的作品,詹博洛尼亚偏爱平整的织物表面。与上述作品不同的是,这幅作品具有生动的解剖结构,对美丽脸庞和头发的刻画精致细腻。在我们提到的例子中,基督的头是向上和向右的,而我们正在研究的这幅基督则是唯一一个头向左倾斜的例子。 头是向左倾斜的,这与詹博洛尼亚雕塑中活生生的基督所来源的图形原型一致,即米开朗基罗在 1540 年左右为 Vittoria Colonna 设计的十字架(伦敦,大英博物馆,1895-9-15-504r 号藏品)。参见 Giambologna 1529-1608.美第奇家族的雕塑家》,展览目录爱丁堡、伦敦、维也纳,由 C. Avery 和 A. Radcliffe 编辑,伦敦,1978 年,第 98-104 期,第 140-142 页。(K.J.Watson);P.Torriti,Pietro Tacca da Carrara,热那亚,1984 年;M.Tommasi,Pietro Tacca,比萨,1995 年;E.D.Schmidt,Scultura sacra nella Toscana del Cinquecento,载于 Storia delle arti in Toscana: il Cinquecento,R.P.Ciardi 编辑,佛罗伦萨,2000 年,第 231-254 页,特别是第 248 页注释 83。 早在异教罗马帝国时代之前,耶稣受难和十字架就已经出现在艺术史和流行文化中。自四世 纪以来,耶稣受难就一直被描绘在宗教艺术中。它是基督教艺术中最常出现的主题之一,也是最明显的标志性主题。虽然基督有时会被穿上衣服,但通常是赤身裸体,只是生殖器被一块纯洁的布(perizonium)遮住;全裸体非常罕见,但也很突出(布鲁内莱斯基、米开朗基罗、切利尼)。关于被钉十字架的基督的不同姿态的表现手法,拉丁语分别为 Christus triumphans("凯旋"--不要与 Maiestas Domini 或 Pantocrator 混淆)、Christus patiens("屈服"--不要与基督的忍耐混淆)和 Christus dolens("受苦"--不要与 Vir dolorum 混淆)。凯旋者 "是活的,睁着眼睛,身体直立;"忍者 "是死的,意志完全放空(kenosis),低着头,面部表情平静,闭着眼睛,身体呈拱形,显示出五处伤口;"多伦斯 "的表现方式与 "忍者 "相似,但有痛苦的姿态,尤其是嘴部。

Ramón Benedito Graells (Barcelona, 1945), Lluís Morillas (Barcelona, 1958) y Josep Puig i Cabeza (Terrassa, 1955), para Akaba, S.A. Juego de cinco taburetes modelo «Frenesí». Ramón Benedito Graells (Barcelona, 1945), Lluís Morillas (Barcelona, 1958) y Josep Puig i Cabeza (Terrassa, 1955), para Akaba, S.A. Juego de cinco taburetes modelo «Frenesí». En acero inoxidable con reposa pies en aluminio y asiento en lámina de hierro tapizado en cuero de tonalidad burdeos. Diseñado en 1984, forma parte de la colección «Muebles Sensuales», convirtiéndose en estrella indiscutible de toda la colección. Transatlàntic fue un grupo de diseño español, fundado por el artista gráfico Lluís Morillas y los diseñadores industriales Ramon Benedito y Josep Puig. Estuvo en producción a través de Akaba S.A desde 1986 hasta 1988. Los taburetes Frenesí se utilizaron en varios episodios de STAR TREK y en la serie The Next Generation. El modelo fue expuesto en 1985 en las muestras Worldesign (Washington) y Europalia (Bruselas), y en 1987 en Design- Auswahl (Stuttgart), en la XIX Bienal Internacional (São Paulo). También formó parte de la exposición retrospectiva sobre los Premios Delta que se celebró en la sala 3 del Palacio Robert de Barcelona entre el 7 de octubre de 2010 y el 26 de junio de 2011. En 1994 la empresa Akaba, SA vendió un ejemplar de época alMuseo de las Artes Decorativasde Barcelona, que actualmente se expone en su colección permanente en elPalacio de Pedralbes, en el año 2010 ingresó otro en las colecciones del Victorian & Albert Museum de Londres. Bibliografía. "Taburete Frenesí", por Josep Puig. pág.: 515-519.Barcelona: On Diseño, 2004. "Grup Transatlàntic", Miguel Alzueta. De Diseño. pág.: 20-23.El Croquis Editorial SA. Nº 8-9 Madrid,1986. "25 años de diseño industrial: los Premios Delta", por VV.AA. Pág.: 168. Editorial Gustavo Gili. Barcelona, 1986. 81 x 40 x 37 cm c/u. Presentan desgaste en asiento dos.

ARNE JACOBSEN (Denmark, 1902 - 1971) for FRITZ HANSEN. Egg chair, model 3316. Light camel/beige Alcantara fabric. Made by Fritz Hansen, 2015, with label. In good condition. Measurements: 104 x 88 x 80 cm. The Egg chair was designed in 1958 by Arne Jacobsen for the Radisson SAS Royal hotel in Copenhagen and was edited by the Danish firm Fritz Hansen. It soon became a symbol of modern design, starring in some of the scenes of the futuristic film "2001: A Space Odyssey". Among the rest of Arne Jacobsen's designs for SAS Royal are the "Egg Chair", "Swan Chair", "Swan Sofa", "Series 3300" and "Drop Chair", furniture with which Jacobsen has written the history of Danish design around the world. The Danish architect was one of the pioneers of the time in using new methods in furniture design, the Egg Armchair being a clear example of this. The iconic sofa consists of a one-piece, concave-molded, fiberglass-reinforced polyurethane shell that has been covered by an elegant upholstery. The shell has an adjustable tilt mechanism, which can be adjusted to the weight of the individual user. The tilt mechanism is made of steel, while the adjustment handle is made of polished stainless steel. The result, a distinguished, pointed and unique timeless design that will stand the test of time. Architect and designer, Arne Jacobsen studied for four years at the Copenhagen School of Construction, then entered the Faculty of Architecture at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. Among his most outstanding architectural works are St. Catherine's College in Oxford, the SAS Hotel in Copenhagen, the headquarters of the National Bank of Denmark in the same city, and the Royal Danish Embassy in London. As a designer, he has created furniture that has become classics, including the "Ant" chair (1951) and the "Swan" and "Egg" chairs designed for the SAS Hotel. He is also known for his 1955 model 3107 chair, also called "Chair number 7", of which more than five million copies were sold, starring alongside Christine Keeler in Lewis Morley's iconic portrait. His other contribution to popular culture in the media is his designer cutlery, with spoons for both hands, which were chosen for the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey" for their futuristic look. The key to the success of Jacobsen's work lies in its elegant and essential design, and today we can find them in collections such as those of the Victoria & Albert Museum in London or the MoMA in New York, among many others. The Danish firm Fritz Hansen, founded in 1872, manufactures original, unique, functional and innovative contemporary design furniture. It manufactures its products in its facilities in the north of Copenhagen, making each piece in close cooperation with designers and architects of international prestige. Its collection includes the Egg Chair and Swan chair, the Series 7 chair, the Ant chair and the Oxford chair by designer Arne Jacobsen, as well as tables and armchairs designed by Danish designers Piet Hein and Poul Kjaerholm.