Null 菲利普-亚历克修斯-德-拉斯洛圈子,PRBA、
匈牙利/英国 1869-1937-


木板油画,77.5 x 61.4 …

菲利普-亚历克修斯-德-拉斯洛圈子,PRBA、 匈牙利/英国 1869-1937- 微笑女孩的研究,半身站立; 木板油画,77.5 x 61.4 厘米(无框)。(无框)。


菲利普-亚历克修斯-德-拉斯洛圈子,PRBA、 匈牙利/英国 1869-1937- 微笑女孩的研究,半身站立; 木板油画,77.5 x 61.4 厘米(无框)。(无框)。

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归功于弗朗西斯科-范尼(FRANCESCO VANNI,锡耶纳,1563 - 1610 年)。 "狂喜中的圣弗朗西斯》。 铜面油画。 当时的原装画框。 背面有难以辨认的意大利文题字。 尺寸:25 x 19 厘米;36 x 30.5 厘米(画框):25 x 19 厘米;36 x 30.5 厘米(框架)。 这幅画属于托斯卡纳风尚画派,是画家弗朗切斯科-万尼的作品。这位画家的一幅蚀刻版画具有相同的主题和构图处理,其中一个副本保存在大英博物馆,可能是这里展示的油画的初步研究。这幅画的质量很高,符合锡耶纳大师的精湛技艺,画中的圣方济各倚靠在岩石上,闭着双眼,半张着嘴唇,聆听着耳边天使演奏的天籁之音。圣人的一只手开始流血,他的伤口模仿了基督受难时的圣痕。这些叙事细节都忠实地沿用了方济会创始人的传记作者圣-博纳文图拉的描述:圣弗朗西斯身患重病,开始听到美妙的音乐,他以为自己已经跨过了通往永恒国度的门槛。半色调的微妙渐变塑造了天使稚嫩的身体。天使的脸庞与狂喜的圣人瘦弱、棱角分明的五官形成鲜明对比。琥珀色的光线从天体背景中透出,在光线的映衬下勾勒出婴儿的躯体,给人一种巨大的美感,这正是范尼的风格所在。 该作品明显属于弗朗切斯科-万尼的艺术圈,他是意大利画家、绘图师、雕刻师、出版商和印刷商,活跃于罗马和他的家乡锡耶纳。范尼出身于画家世家。16 岁时,范尼搬到博洛尼亚,然后又搬到罗马。1579-1580 年间,他拜乔瓦尼-德-维奇为师,但他在艺术上也深受当时其他托斯卡纳画家的影响。在罗马,他曾与萨林贝尼、巴托洛梅奥-帕塞罗蒂和安德烈亚-利里奥共事。教皇克莱门特八世曾委托他为圣彼得大教堂绘制一幅祭坛画,后来转为马赛克画,画的是魔术师西蒙受到圣彼得的斥责。他还为罗马教堂绘制了其他几幅画,包括为圣格雷戈里奥圣堂绘制的《圣米迦勒击败叛逆天使》、瓦利塞拉的《圣母玛利亚的圣像》和米兰达的《圣劳伦斯的升天》。在锡耶纳,他为多明我会教堂绘制了一幅 S. Raimondo 在海上漫步图。范尼为锡耶纳的圣阿戈斯蒂诺教堂绘制了一幅《君士坦丁的洗礼》(1586-1587 年)。他还是一名活跃的雕刻师,根据自己的设计雕刻了三幅虔诚版画。此外,他还是锡耶纳大型四版地图的出版商,这幅地图是他自己设计的,并由佛兰德斯雕刻家老彼得雕刻。1595 年,他向洛伦佐-乌辛巴尔迪(Lorenzo Usimbardi)寻求帮助,以获得出版该地图的资金支持。

Diego Velázquez (Seville 1599 - Madrid 1660) circle of Portrait of a leader 17th century Oil on canvas 99 x 73.5 cm The painting shows significant elements of 17th century Spanish portraiture and its greatest representative, Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez. Our canvas was born in the circle of artists who grew up under his influence, among them the most important students: Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo, Juan de Pareja and Juan Carreño de Miranda. At the age of twelve he entered Francisco Pacheco's workshop, immediately demonstrating his talent. In 1618 he was already an independent artist, he worked in the city painting with a strong influence of Caravaggio. He moved to Madrid and became official painter to Philip IV. He thus had the opportunity to explore the court collection and cultivate a particular interest in the Venetian school and Titian in particular. Probably following the advice of the Rubens, he traveled twice to Italy, an opportunity to closely study the different schools of painting and the great masters, refining his style and concentrating on the pictorial and environmental interpretation of light. Loved and respected by his companions of his time, thanks to Alonso Cano y Zurbarán he was granted the title of Knight of Santiago. His painting of excellent quality and realism was experienced after his death thanks to his students, among them: Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo, Juan de Pareja and Juan Carreño de Miranda. Diego Velázquez (Seville 1599 - Madrid 1660) circle of Portrait of a leader Oil on canvas 99 x 73.5 cm Oil on canvas 99 x 73.5 cm The painting shows significant elements of 17th century Spanish portraiture and its greatest representative, Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez. Our canvas was born in the circle of artists who grew up under his influence, among them the most important students: Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo, Juan de Pareja and Juan Carreño de Miranda. At the age of twelve he entered Francisco Pacheco's ...