Null 乔治-克劳森爵士,RA RWS、
英国人 1852-1944-


纸上铅笔和水彩画,签名 "G CLAUSEN"(右下方),献给 "…

乔治-克劳森爵士,RA RWS、 英国人 1852-1944- 黎明之海与唐斯 纸上铅笔和水彩画,签名 "G CLAUSEN"(右下方),献给 "To Mr & Mrs Lamb"(左下方),18.4 x 25.3 厘米。 出处: 海伦和阿瑟-格鲁根收藏。 伦敦 Abbott & Holder 有限公司。 私人收藏,英国。 说明:克劳森曾在埃德温-朗(1829-1891 年)的工作室工作过: 克劳森曾在埃德温-朗(Edwin Long,1829-1891 年)的工作室工作,之后前往巴黎,在朱利安学院师从威廉-阿道夫-布格罗(William-Adolphe Bouguereau,1825-1905 年)和托尼-罗伯特-弗勒里(Tony Robert-Fleury,1837-1911 年)。1886 年,他成为新英国艺术俱乐部(New English Art Club)的创始成员,1909 年成为艺术工作者协会(Art Workers' Guild)的大师,并在皇家学院担任绘画教授。 格罗根一家是 19 世纪晚期和后期英国艺术品的主要收藏家,他们的大量收藏包括许多拉斐尔前派绘画和新英国艺术俱乐部成员的作品,其中一些作品现在已被包括沃克美术馆在内的国家博物馆收藏。


乔治-克劳森爵士,RA RWS、 英国人 1852-1944- 黎明之海与唐斯 纸上铅笔和水彩画,签名 "G CLAUSEN"(右下方),献给 "To Mr & Mrs Lamb"(左下方),18.4 x 25.3 厘米。 出处: 海伦和阿瑟-格鲁根收藏。 伦敦 Abbott & Holder 有限公司。 私人收藏,英国。 说明:克劳森曾在埃德温-朗(1829-1891 年)的工作室工作过: 克劳森曾在埃德温-朗(Edwin Long,1829-1891 年)的工作室工作,之后前往巴黎,在朱利安学院师从威廉-阿道夫-布格罗(William-Adolphe Bouguereau,1825-1905 年)和托尼-罗伯特-弗勒里(Tony Robert-Fleury,1837-1911 年)。1886 年,他成为新英国艺术俱乐部(New English Art Club)的创始成员,1909 年成为艺术工作者协会(Art Workers' Guild)的大师,并在皇家学院担任绘画教授。 格罗根一家是 19 世纪晚期和后期英国艺术品的主要收藏家,他们的大量收藏包括许多拉斐尔前派绘画和新英国艺术俱乐部成员的作品,其中一些作品现在已被包括沃克美术馆在内的国家博物馆收藏。

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FORMERLY THE PROPERTY OF BRIGADIER WALTER MICHAEL "MIKE" WINGATE GRAY O.B.E, M.C. & BAR JOHN DICKSON & SON A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR, serial no. 6318, 29in. nitro reproved barrels, the rib engraved 'JOHN DICKSON & SON. 63. PRINCES STREET. EDINBURGH.' and with a flash of scrollwork at the breech end, 2 1/2in. chambers, bored approx. imp. cyl. and 3/4 choke, treble-grip action with hidden third bite, automatic safety with gold-inlaid 'SAFE' detail, border and scroll engraving, retaining traces of original colour-hardening and finish, bolstered fore-end wood, 14in. stock with escutcheon engraved 'W.S.W.G.', weight 6lb. 8oz. S2 - Sold as a Section 2 Firearm under the 1968 Firearms Act. Provenance: The makers have kindly confirmed that this gun was completed 27th July 1911 for Colonel W.W. Gray. The vendor has informed us that this gun was handed down to Brigadier Wingate Gray by his father, Col. W.S Wingate Gray. Brigadier Walter Michael "Mike" Wingate Gray O.B.E, M.C & BAR (1921 - 1995) was born into a military family and was educated at Wellington College, Berkshire. He was commissioned into the Black Watch in 1941. Brigadier Wingate Gray served in North Africa in all the Black Watch's battles from Alamein, through North Africa, Sicily and North West Europe. During this time he won the Military Cross twice. The first was in Gerbini, Sicily, where, with his troops under heavy concentrated fire he charged a German machine-gun post standing in a Bren Gun carrier, firing from the shoulder. The second was in October, 1944, during the Normandy landings at Dunkirk, where he negotiated a ceasefire between the British, Germans, and French to enable some 20,000 civilians and German wounded to be evacuated. After the war he continued with the Black Watch, serving in Germany and British Guyana as well as holding staff posts, one of which was on the staff of Bernard Fergusson during the Suez Crisis of 1956. In 1963 the massed band of the Black Watch were taken on a tour of the United States of America by Wingate Gray, and they played on the White House lawn on the 13th November 1963 at the request of John F. Kennedy, just 9 days before the Kennedy assassination. The book, JFK's Last Hundred Days, by Thurston Clarke, states that Brigadier Michael Wingate Gray presented Kennedy with a ceremonial dirk and told him of the regiment's motto: "No-one wounds us with impunity". Kennedy replied: "I think that is a very good motto for some of the rest of us." The Black Watch pipers were requested to play at Kennedy's funeral by Jackie Kennedy. On return from America, he started his service with the SAS, commanding the regiment from 1964 to 1967 with squadrons deployed in Borneo, Aden, and Radfan. For this he was awarded the OBE. He concluded his military career as military attache in Paris after a tour as the deputy fortress commander of Gibraltar. On his retirement he dabbled in boat-building and for a time worked for security firms. But his real passion was sailing. For many years he kept a boat in the Mediterranean and he knew all the best watering-holes around its rim. He was also involved with Sir Ranulph Fiennes' expeditions in Greenland and the North Pole in 1976/78, and the Transglobe expedition in 1979/82. Brigadier Wingate Gray is mentioned in the books "To The Ends of the Earth", and "Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know", by Sir Ranulph Fiennes. As written in his Obituary, Brigadier Wingate Gray led with style, totally unpompously, and by example. He loved a party and alcohol appeared to have no effect on him. His enormous popularity won him many friends from all walks of life.

安德森(Æneas)。Relation de l'ambassade du Lord Macartney à la Chine, dans les années 1792, 1793 et 1794.巴黎,Denné le jeune, Bocquillon et Poisson, l'anIV [1795-1796]。两卷合一,8 英寸,(2dont la seconde blanche)-xxiv-vi-(1)-255-(uneblanche)-(2dont la seconde blanche)-227-(uneblanche)页、棕色基底,书脊有棱线,掐丝和飞花装饰棕黄色扉页,双层黑色饰边框住书板,玑镂饰边,斑纹边;没有第二卷的半扉页;第二卷的表格装订在第一卷的表格之后;书头和书角磨损,封一有小污点(当代装订)。 这是 1795 年首次以英文出版的这部作品的首个法文译本,第二版与原版同年出版。铜版刻有乾隆皇帝(乾隆)的正面肖像。 马戛尔尼勋爵驻华使节。自十八世纪初以来,中国逐渐关闭,只有广州对欧洲人开放,这促使英国向皇帝派出使团,以获得更大的贸易自由,尤其是茶叶贸易。由马戛尔尼勋爵率领的使团经过漫长的海上旅程,途经马德拉、加那利群岛、佛得角、里约热内卢,然后绕过好望角,到达爪哇、苏门答腊、哥钦那和中国,最远到达长江口。马戛尔尼勋爵随后到达北京和热河的皇帝避暑山庄。 埃涅阿斯-安德森(Aeneas Anderson)的记述,以及约翰-巴罗(John Barrow)、塞缪尔-霍姆斯(Samuel Holmes)、约翰-克里斯蒂安-胡特纳(Johann Christian Huttner)和乔治-斯汤顿(George Staunton)的记述,都是有关这次出使的重要资料之一。作为马戛尔尼勋爵的仆人,埃涅阿斯-安德森被证明是一位睿智、细心、视野开阔的观察家。从中国回国后,他成为了一名英军军官,曾在马耳他和埃及服役,抗击法军。 合著:Levaillant (François) [and Casimir Varon].Voyage [...] dans l'intérieur de l'Afrique, par le Cap de Bonne-Espérance, dans les années 1780, 81, 82, 83, 84 &85.巴黎,勒鲁瓦出版社,1790 年。2 卷 8 开本,大理石棕色基底,略有磨损(旧式装订)。正文后有铜版画,有几页不完整。