Null 迭戈-委拉斯开兹作品、
西班牙 1599-1660-

菲利浦四世猎野猪》(La Tela Real)细部;

布面油画,右下方有签名,首字母为 "M…

迭戈-委拉斯开兹作品、 西班牙 1599-1660- 菲利浦四世猎野猪》(La Tela Real)细部; 布面油画,右下方有签名,首字母为 "MP",背面有标签,45.4 x 36 厘米。 出处:英国私人收藏: 私人收藏,英国。 备注: 委拉斯开兹的《腓力四世狩猎野猪》可能作于 1632 年至 1637 年间,是为国王位于马德里郊区的狩猎小屋 Torre de la Parada 委托创作的。该作品现由伦敦国家美术馆收藏 [NG197]。这幅对委拉斯开兹著名构图的诠释展示了画作中央前景的一个细节,画中描绘了三位身着华丽服饰的贵族正在交谈,对狩猎的壮观场面视而不见,而背景中一个手持武器的骑马者正从他们身边骑过。


迭戈-委拉斯开兹作品、 西班牙 1599-1660- 菲利浦四世猎野猪》(La Tela Real)细部; 布面油画,右下方有签名,首字母为 "MP",背面有标签,45.4 x 36 厘米。 出处:英国私人收藏: 私人收藏,英国。 备注: 委拉斯开兹的《腓力四世狩猎野猪》可能作于 1632 年至 1637 年间,是为国王位于马德里郊区的狩猎小屋 Torre de la Parada 委托创作的。该作品现由伦敦国家美术馆收藏 [NG197]。这幅对委拉斯开兹著名构图的诠释展示了画作中央前景的一个细节,画中描绘了三位身着华丽服饰的贵族正在交谈,对狩猎的壮观场面视而不见,而背景中一个手持武器的骑马者正从他们身边骑过。

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Diego Velázquez (Seville 1599 - Madrid 1660) circle of Portrait of a leader 17th century Oil on canvas 99 x 73.5 cm The painting shows significant elements of 17th century Spanish portraiture and its greatest representative, Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez. Our canvas was born in the circle of artists who grew up under his influence, among them the most important students: Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo, Juan de Pareja and Juan Carreño de Miranda. At the age of twelve he entered Francisco Pacheco's workshop, immediately demonstrating his talent. In 1618 he was already an independent artist, he worked in the city painting with a strong influence of Caravaggio. He moved to Madrid and became official painter to Philip IV. He thus had the opportunity to explore the court collection and cultivate a particular interest in the Venetian school and Titian in particular. Probably following the advice of the Rubens, he traveled twice to Italy, an opportunity to closely study the different schools of painting and the great masters, refining his style and concentrating on the pictorial and environmental interpretation of light. Loved and respected by his companions of his time, thanks to Alonso Cano y Zurbarán he was granted the title of Knight of Santiago. His painting of excellent quality and realism was experienced after his death thanks to his students, among them: Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo, Juan de Pareja and Juan Carreño de Miranda. Diego Velázquez (Seville 1599 - Madrid 1660) circle of Portrait of a leader Oil on canvas 99 x 73.5 cm Oil on canvas 99 x 73.5 cm The painting shows significant elements of 17th century Spanish portraiture and its greatest representative, Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez. Our canvas was born in the circle of artists who grew up under his influence, among them the most important students: Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo, Juan de Pareja and Juan Carreño de Miranda. At the age of twelve he entered Francisco Pacheco's ...