Null 乔治-伦纳德-刘易斯
英国人 1826-1913-


纸上水彩画,其中一幅已签名并注明 "L LEWIS / 94"(右…

乔治-伦纳德-刘易斯 英国人 1826-1913- 带有渔船和人物的海岸风光; 纸上水彩画,其中一幅已签名并注明 "L LEWIS / 94"(右下方),每幅 23 x 51.5 厘米,一对(2)。 出处:英国私人收藏: 私人收藏,英国。 说明:乔治-伦纳德-刘易斯出身于一个艺术世家: 乔治-伦纳德-刘易斯(George Lennard Lewis)出身于艺术家世家,是水彩画家乔治-罗伯特-刘易斯(George Robert Lewis,1782-1871 年)的儿子,也是约翰-弗雷德里克-刘易斯(John Frederick Lewis,1804-1876 年)的堂兄。刘易斯在欧洲的游历无疑对他的创作产生了影响,他曾多次回到沿海风景区进行创作,这也是他最著名的作品。


乔治-伦纳德-刘易斯 英国人 1826-1913- 带有渔船和人物的海岸风光; 纸上水彩画,其中一幅已签名并注明 "L LEWIS / 94"(右下方),每幅 23 x 51.5 厘米,一对(2)。 出处:英国私人收藏: 私人收藏,英国。 说明:乔治-伦纳德-刘易斯出身于一个艺术世家: 乔治-伦纳德-刘易斯(George Lennard Lewis)出身于艺术家世家,是水彩画家乔治-罗伯特-刘易斯(George Robert Lewis,1782-1871 年)的儿子,也是约翰-弗雷德里克-刘易斯(John Frederick Lewis,1804-1876 年)的堂兄。刘易斯在欧洲的游历无疑对他的创作产生了影响,他曾多次回到沿海风景区进行创作,这也是他最著名的作品。

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汉娜-科林斯(HANNAH COLLINS)(英国,1956 年)。 厨房La Laboral Gijón》。2006 帆布数码打印。双连画。 背面有 Joan Prats 画廊印章。 出处:琼-普拉茨画廊。巴塞罗那 尺寸:192 x 274 厘米:192 x 274 厘米。 这张照片是 2006 年在巴塞罗那 Joan Prats 画廊举办的个展 "未来的生活 "的一部分。汉娜-柯林斯的摄影作品反映了时间的流逝和人类在不同环境中的痕迹。她的室内空间照片揭示了一种隐含的、潜在的社会历史。对这位艺术家来说,对城市稍纵即逝的一瞥并不能让人充分了解城市的存在。她的作品远离纪实性,而是有意识地将现实与虚构混合在一起,赋予它们新的意义。这张照片中沉闷的机构 "厨房 "是艺术家对移民生活和记忆研究的一部分。值得将其与她后来在希洪的 LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial(2017 年)展出的题为 "脆弱的盛宴 "的系列作品联系起来,该系列以厨房摄影为主题,开启了烹饪艺术与摄影艺术之间的对话。 汉娜-柯林斯是英国艺术家和电影制片人,曾就读于伦敦斯莱德美术学院,后因获得富布赖特奖学金(1978-79 年)而赴美深造。在她的职业生涯中,她曾在欧洲和美国的主要美术馆和艺术中心举办过重要的个展,并参加了在伦敦维多利亚与阿尔伯特博物馆举办的联展(1987 年、1989 年、1989 年、1989 年)。他还参加了在伦敦维多利亚与阿尔伯特博物馆(1987、1989、1989、1995、2002 年)、巴黎国家塑料艺术中心(1989 年)、京都现代艺术博物馆(1990 年)、巴塞罗那 Joan Miró 基金会(1992 年、1998 年)、马德里西班牙现代艺术博物馆(1994 年、2008 年)、伦敦萨奇画廊(1994 年)、马德里 Helga de Alvear 画廊(1999 年)、伦敦泰特现代美术馆(2000 年)、巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心(2006 年)和维也纳 Kulturhaus 美术馆(2011 年)等。她在伦敦和巴塞罗那两地工作,1993 年获得特纳奖提名,1991 年获得欧洲摄影奖,2004 年获得奥林巴斯奖。目前,她的作品被伦敦泰特现代美术馆、巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心、马德里索菲亚王后国家美术馆、巴塞罗那 MACBA 以及欧洲和美洲的其他公共和私人收藏。

Benjamin Rush War-Dated Autograph Letter Signed on George Washington and British Movements: "Our town is alive with news. The minute guns were fired this morning. It threw the city into confusion." Revolutionary War-dated ALS signed “B. Rush,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.25 x 12, April 14, 1777. Addressed from Philadelphia, a handwritten letter to his wife, Julia, in part: “I am sorry to inform you that I could not get a single fish, nor an ounce of fresh meat in market this morning owing to their both being all bought up before Azariah came to town. I am glad to hear that our new Levee behaves so well. I think the less Molly and he dispute about politicks the better. Such disputes especially among ignorant people generally confirm predjudices and increase Obstinacy. Perhaps by a different course of behavior to him he may be induced to refuse to be exchanged, and may continue with us as long as we want him. Our town is alive with news. The minute guns were fired this morning. It threw the city into confusion. An express has just arrived who says there are nine Men of War in the river. This Acc't makes it certain that Phila. is the object of the enemy. We expect every moment to hear of our bay being crowded with transports filled with British and Hessian soldiers. Major General Lincoln (a Massachusetts Bay man), was surprised and taken prisoner a few nights ago near Bound Brook in New Jersey together with 200 men by a party of the enemy. Our brother came to town last night. He positively sets off early tomorrow morning to Mr. Bartrams...agreeable to his duty and our mother's orders. As everything is now turned topsy turvy in town, I fear you will not spend your time agreeably here. I think you had better set off tomorrow morning for Grame Park. It will not however do to spend a week there, as I know not how soon Gen'l Howe’s progress up the Delaware may make it necessary to fly with you to Maryland. Suppose you leave Mrs. Pamper at Capt. Allison's and call for her in a day or two. I fear I shall not be able to come for you. I enter upon the care of a military hospital tomorrow, and shall have a hundred things to do that are important to ourselves as well as the public. Enclosed is an Evening Post. Gen Washington's letter is a masterpiece. It has raised his character higher than ever in the opinion of Congress and his friends. The Congress have settled my appointment in the Army so as to be perfectly agreeable to me. They have made me Joint Physician and Surgeon General with Dr. Jones of Virginia of the middle department. You may depend upon my care and tenderness in conducting you to Mr. Halls as soon as the danger is more imminent. Much love to our brother and sister.” Rush adds a postscript: “Keep up the spirits of our brother and sister. All is for the best and all will end well...The counsels of Heaven must be fulfilled. ‘Clouds and darkness are before him, but righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne.’” In very good to fine condition, with seal-related paper loss near the hinge.