Null 亚历山德罗-迪-马里亚诺-菲利佩皮(1445-1510 年)- Manner,风景中的圣母与耶稣和圣约翰,木板上的钢笔画,50x40 厘米

亚历山德罗-迪-马里亚诺-菲利佩皮(1445-1510 年)- Manner,风景中的圣母与耶稣和圣约翰,木板上的钢笔画,50x40 厘米

亚历山德罗-迪-马里亚诺-菲利佩皮(1445-1510 年)- Manner,风景中的圣母与耶稣和圣约翰,木板上的钢笔画,50x40 厘米

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取材于安德烈亚-德尔-韦罗基奥(ANDREA DEL VERROCCHIO,佛罗伦萨,1435 年-威尼斯,1488 年)。 "Condottiero Bartolomeo Colleoni"。 青铜。 Ferdinand Barbedienne Fondeur。 尺寸:16 x 43 x 17 厘米:16 x 43 x 17 厘米。 这是献给 Condottiero Bartolomeo Colleoni 的青铜马术纪念碑的中幅复制品,不含基座,高 395 厘米,由 Andrea del Verrocchio 于 1480 年至 1488 年间制作,位于威尼斯的圣约翰和保罗广场。它是文艺复兴时期的第二座马术雕像,仅次于 1446-53 年多纳太罗在帕多瓦创作的加泰梅拉塔纪念碑。这座雕像的历史可以追溯到 1479 年,当时威尼斯共和国下令在圣乔瓦尼和保罗广场为这位三年前去世的孔多蒂埃洛建造一座马术雕像。1480 年,韦罗基奥受命完成该作品,并在佛罗伦萨的工作室开始工作。1481 年,蜡模被送往威尼斯,1486 年,艺术家亲自前往威尼斯指导失蜡青铜最终模型的铸造工作。1488 年,安德烈亚-韦罗基奥去世,但蜡像模型仍未完成,他在遗嘱中决定由洛伦佐-迪-克雷迪(Lorenzo di Credi)继续这项工程。然而,威尼斯政府更倾向于当地艺术家亚历山德罗-莱奥帕尔迪(Alessandro Leopardi),他是一位画家兼雕塑家,与韦罗基奥本人一样,是一位多学科的现代艺术家。这位佛罗伦萨艺术家以多纳泰罗(Donatello)的 Gattamelata 马术雕像、马库斯-奥勒留(Marcus Aurelius)的古代雕像和圣马可的马(13 世纪)以及 Regisole(帕维亚的古代晚期作品,18 世纪遗失)为基础创作了这座纪念碑。此外,还有乔瓦尼-阿库托、保罗-乌切洛和安德烈亚-德尔卡斯塔尼奥的壁画。另一方面,还有一个重要的技术问题,那就是如何表现马的前腿抬起并保持向前的雄伟姿势,多纳太罗通过在抬起的马腿下放置一个球体,谨慎地解决了这一问题。韦罗基奥将会是第一个成功塑造出仅靠三条腿支撑的马术雕像的人。

Giacinti Brandi (1621-1691) "S. Giovannino" Important 17th century baroque painting attributable to the hand of the great Roman master Giacinto Brandi. It represents San Giovannino who, with an expression of rare beauty and intensity, directs his gaze towards us who observe this small masterpiece. Giacinto Brandi (1621 – January 19, 1691) was an Italian painter of the Baroque period, active mainly in Rome and Naples. Born in Rome, he was part of the studio of Alessandro Algardi, a prominent sculptor who noticed that Brandi was better suited to painting. He joined the studio of Giovanni Giacomo Sementi. He traveled to Naples from 1638 and by 1647 had returned to Rome to work with Giovanni Lanfranco, where Brandi became friends with Mattia Preti. The two artists would later collaborate often. His works are well distributed among the baroque churches of Rome, including the ceiling frescoes of San Carlo al Corso (1670-1671), San Silvestro in Capite, Sant'Andrea al Quirinale, a canvas of Sant'Andrea (1650) in Santa Mary on Via Lata a painting of the Martyrdom of the Forty (1660) for the Chiesa delle Santissima Stimmate di San Francesco, a Coronation of the Virgin (1680) that serves as the main altarpiece of the church of Gesù e Maria, a canvas of drunkenness of Noah in the Galleria Corsini, an Assumption (1655) for Santa Maria in Organo in Verona, a fresco of Ovid's Metamorphoses (1651-1653) for the Palazzo Pamphilj in Piazza Navona and a Martyrdom of San Biagio for the church of San Carlo ai Catinari a Visione del blessed Giovanni di San Facondo (1656) and Estasi della beata Rita da Cascia (1660) in the Basilica of Sant'Agostino in Campo Marzio San Rocco intercedes per i malati di peste (1673) and San Rocco in gloria (1674) in the Chiesa di San Rocco all'Augusteo; Compianto sul Cristo morto (1675-1676) in the Chiesa di Sant'Andrea al Quirinale. In 1647 he entered the Congregazione dei Virtuosi al Pantheon in Rome and from 1651 he was admitted to the Accademia di ...