Null RUDOLF NUREYEV (1938-1993), NOELLA PONTOIS (B. 1943) World ballet artists –…

RUDOLF NUREYEV (1938-1993), NOELLA PONTOIS (B. 1943) World ballet artists – Rudolf Nureyev and Noella Pontois: photograph. [Paris] photographer Serge Lido, [1971] 19.8 x 17.5 厘米 背面:摄影师印章 "Photos Serge Lido.4, Rue Choronvise, 75016 Paris";所有权说明。 谢尔盖-利多(Sergey Pavlovich Lidov;1906-1984) – a legendary ballet photographer, over his half-century career he created the most comprehensive archive of photographs of stars of world ballet, including Roland Petit, Nina Vyroubova, Vaslav Nijinsky, Serge Lifar, Milorad Miskovic, Alicia Markova, Margot Fonteyn, Rudolf Nureyev, Maurice Béjart,玛莎-格雷厄姆(Martha Graham)、玛雅-普利塞茨卡娅(Maya Plisetskaya)、米哈伊尔-巴雷什尼科夫(Mikhail Baryshnikov)等人的照片,以及让-科克托(Jean Cocteau)、伊迪丝-皮亚夫(Edith Piaf)、伊戈尔-斯特拉文斯基(Igor Stravinsky)、巴勃罗-毕加索(Pablo Picasso)、让-马莱(Jean Marais)、玛丽亚-卡拉斯(Maria Callas)、碧姬-芭铎(Brigitte Bardot)、皮尔-卡丹(Pierre Cardin)等人的照片。


RUDOLF NUREYEV (1938-1993), NOELLA PONTOIS (B. 1943) World ballet artists – Rudolf Nureyev and Noella Pontois: photograph. [Paris] photographer Serge Lido, [1971] 19.8 x 17.5 厘米 背面:摄影师印章 "Photos Serge Lido.4, Rue Choronvise, 75016 Paris";所有权说明。 谢尔盖-利多(Sergey Pavlovich Lidov;1906-1984) – a legendary ballet photographer, over his half-century career he created the most comprehensive archive of photographs of stars of world ballet, including Roland Petit, Nina Vyroubova, Vaslav Nijinsky, Serge Lifar, Milorad Miskovic, Alicia Markova, Margot Fonteyn, Rudolf Nureyev, Maurice Béjart,玛莎-格雷厄姆(Martha Graham)、玛雅-普利塞茨卡娅(Maya Plisetskaya)、米哈伊尔-巴雷什尼科夫(Mikhail Baryshnikov)等人的照片,以及让-科克托(Jean Cocteau)、伊迪丝-皮亚夫(Edith Piaf)、伊戈尔-斯特拉文斯基(Igor Stravinsky)、巴勃罗-毕加索(Pablo Picasso)、让-马莱(Jean Marais)、玛丽亚-卡拉斯(Maria Callas)、碧姬-芭铎(Brigitte Bardot)、皮尔-卡丹(Pierre Cardin)等人的照片。

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