Null 画家弗朗西斯科-巴耶乌(Francisco Bayeu)的肖像,18 世纪末阿拉贡画派
布面油画,尺寸95 x 72 厘米

画家弗朗西斯科-巴耶乌(Francisco Bayeu)的肖像,18 世纪末阿拉贡画派 布面油画,尺寸95 x 72 厘米


画家弗朗西斯科-巴耶乌(Francisco Bayeu)的肖像,18 世纪末阿拉贡画派 布面油画,尺寸95 x 72 厘米

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胡安-萨里内拉(JUAN SARIÑERA)(西班牙,约 1545 - 1619 年)的圈子。 "尊敬的多明戈-阿纳东宣读圣维森特-费雷尔皮拉行会章程"。 布面油画。 有衬里。 尺寸:110 x 135 厘米,125 x 147 厘米(画框):110 x 135 厘米,125 x 147 厘米(画框)。 这块画布是胡安-萨里涅纳(Juan Sariñena)画作的复制品,现藏于巴伦西亚公证学院。胡安-萨里涅纳》目录中提到了这件作品。瓦伦西亚反宗教改革时期的画家",由瓦伦西亚政府于 2008 年出版。 胡安-萨里涅纳是一位西班牙画家,可能原籍阿拉贡,16 世纪末 17 世纪初活跃于巴伦西亚。他是接受新的自然主义语言的关键人物,取代了胡安-德-胡安内斯的方式主义和理想化公式。 1570 年,他在罗马受到后期反形式主义画家和圣卢卡斯学院的影响。从 1580 年起,他居住在巴伦西亚,以威尼斯的技法擅长肖像画。1580 年,他的第一幅有据可查的作品是国王詹姆斯一世的肖像,随后是圣路易斯-贝尔特兰的肖像。 1584 年,萨里涅纳开始接受胡安-德-里贝拉大主教的委托,创作圣人肖像和一系列自然主义肖像。1591 年,他指导了巴伦西亚将军府新厅的装饰工作,并因此在 1595 年被任命为城市画师。他继续为里贝拉和其他重要客户工作,包括改建圣维森特-费雷尔的牢房和几幅宗教画。 晚年,他与弗朗西斯科-里巴尔塔(Francisco Ribalta)合作,采用了更加鲜艳的色调。1607 年,他成为 Pintores 学院的董事会成员,虽然产量有所下降,但他仍承接了一些重要的委托,直到 1619 年在巴伦西亚去世。他的弟子奥古斯丁-里达乌拉(Agustín Ridaura)接替他成为该市的画家。

MARIANO SALVADOR MAELLA, Attr. (Valencia, 1739-Madrid, 1819) - Great Holy Family with Saint John in oil on panel, 18th century Valencian school Around 1770, with original frame from the same period. Spanish school of the 18th century. Table measurements: 90 x 70 cm, framed measurements: 100 x 80 cm. Francisco Bayeu (Zaragoza, 1734-Madrid, 1795) began his career in Zaragoza in the workshop of the bohemian painter Juan Andrés Merklein and in the drawing classes of José Luzán Martínez. Bayeu later returned to his hometown, where he carried out several commissions for churches and convents, including the Aula Dei Charterhouse. Anton Raphael Mengs asked him in 1762 to help him decorate the New Palace. Thanks to Mengs's interventions, the Aragonese collaborated on numerous decorative works for the royal sites, which earned him the appointment of chamber painter in 1767. He worked mainly as a fresco painter, and in 1768 he painted the vault of the hall. conversation room of the princes of Asturias, decorated with the theme of Hercules on Olympus. Bayeu combined his tasks at court with different assignments offered by the Zaragoza authorities. Later he was entrusted with the decoration of the royal chapel of the Aranjuez palace. Bayeu was also responsible for the artistic tasks of the Santa Bárbara Tapestry Factory. He made the cardboard models that his brother made and supervised the work of Goya, his brother-in-law since 1773. In 1785, Charles III commissioned Bayeu and Maella to restore the paintings in the royal collections. Reference bibliography: os Bayeu, Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Zaragoza, Aragón y Rioja (Ibercaja, Obra Social y Cultural), 1979. ISBN 84-500-3272-5. Provenance: important private collection from Barcelona.