Null 一把拉脱维亚燧发枪,由约 1760 年耶尔加瓦的 I. A. Wadt 制作 
口径 13.5 毫米的光滑枪膛,顶部有黄铜前瞄准器,后膛上方有两个栏杆…

一把拉脱维亚燧发枪,由约 1760 年耶尔加瓦的 I. A. Wadt 制作 口径 13.5 毫米的光滑枪膛,顶部有黄铜前瞄准器,后膛上方有两个栏杆,枪身有轻微的雕刻。燧发枪带圆顶锁板,上面有签名。雕刻精美的全枪托,带牛角鼻帽,雕刻精细的黄铜家具,带马斯克龙,锁侧板上装饰有猎犬。木制撞杆,带角尖。枪长 37 厘米。 状况: II -


一把拉脱维亚燧发枪,由约 1760 年耶尔加瓦的 I. A. Wadt 制作 口径 13.5 毫米的光滑枪膛,顶部有黄铜前瞄准器,后膛上方有两个栏杆,枪身有轻微的雕刻。燧发枪带圆顶锁板,上面有签名。雕刻精美的全枪托,带牛角鼻帽,雕刻精细的黄铜家具,带马斯克龙,锁侧板上装饰有猎犬。木制撞杆,带角尖。枪长 37 厘米。 状况: II -

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Milton u.a., JohnEnglish Library. Authors in Verse. Vols. I-XVI. 16 Tle. in 5 Bdn. Gotha, Steudel und Keil, 1805-1807. 8°. Pp.-Bde. d. Zt., 3 Bde. mit RSchildern (berieben und bestoßen). Milton u.a., John English Library. Authors in Verse. Vols. I-XVI. 16 Tle. in 5 Bdn. Gotha, Steudel und Keil, 1805-1807. 8°. Pp.-Bde. d. Zt., 3 Bde. mit RSchildern (berieben und bestoßen). Je mit gestempeltem Exlibris. - Enthält folgende Werke: Vols. I-II: John Milton. Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books. - Vol. III: James Thomson. The Seasons. - Vol. VI: The Poems of O. Goldsmith and Cunningham. - Vols. V-VII: Tobias Smollett. The Adventures of Roderic Random. - Vols. VIII-XI: Laurence Sterne. The Life and Opinions of Tristam Shandy, Gentleman. - Vol. XII: Oliver Goldsmith. Essays by Dr. Goldsmith. - Vol. XIII: Henry Fielding. A Journey from this World to the Next, etc. etc. - Vols. XIV-XVI: The Poems of Ossian. Translated by James Macpherson. - Es erschien wohl zudem im Jahr 1804 Fieldings "The History of Tom Jones. A Foundling." in vier Teilen, hier nicht vorhanden. Enthält in Vol. VI das Stück "A Petition to the worshipful Free Masons, delivered from the Stage by a Lady at a Comedy countenanced by that Fraternity". - Papierbedingt leicht gebräunt. Titebll. von Vol. I gelöst. Insgesamt gut erhalten. 16 pts. in 5 vols. Cont. paperbacks, 3 vols. with spine labels (rubbed and bumped). - Each with stamped bookplate. - Contains: see above. - In 1804 Fielding's "The History of Tom Jones. A Foundling." was published in four parts, not present here. Includes in vol. VI the piece "A Petition to the worshipful Free Masons, delivered from the Stage by a Lady at a Comedy countenanced by that Fraternity." - Paper lightly browned. Title pages of vol. I detached. Overall well preserved.