Null 托斯卡纳 "圣斯特凡诺 "骑士团成员制服套装,约 1840 - 1850 年 

托斯卡纳 "圣斯特凡诺 "骑士团成员制服套装,约 1840 - 1850 年 黑色硬毛毡双角帽,配有银质饰扣、金色锚形纽扣和银红色绶带,帽子两端有银质饰扣,内侧有黑色皮质汗巾。配有两个金色阅兵肩章,肩章上饰有船锚和丝带、金色饰条和黑色衬里(有瑕疵)。典雅的双排扣制服外衣,深蓝色布料(有个别小蛀孔),红色滚边,金色锚形纽扣,领口和袖子末端有圆形金属刺绣,黑色皮革肩环,黑色丝绸衬里(破损,有瑕疵)。附带一条深蓝色布质长裤(有小蛀虫孔),红底金色花边横向条纹,铁质纽扣。所有物品都装在原装的储物箱中(尺寸为 54 x 42 x 22 厘米,其中一个封口扣丢失),箱体用绿色皮革包裹,饰有金色压花棕榈楣饰。此外,这把剑的单刃剑身保存完好,呈蓝色,剑柄镀金,带有珍珠母鳞片和皮质剑鞘(全长 95 厘米)。 局部略有损坏,有使用和陈旧的痕迹。罕见的早期组合,保存完好。 状况:II


托斯卡纳 "圣斯特凡诺 "骑士团成员制服套装,约 1840 - 1850 年 黑色硬毛毡双角帽,配有银质饰扣、金色锚形纽扣和银红色绶带,帽子两端有银质饰扣,内侧有黑色皮质汗巾。配有两个金色阅兵肩章,肩章上饰有船锚和丝带、金色饰条和黑色衬里(有瑕疵)。典雅的双排扣制服外衣,深蓝色布料(有个别小蛀孔),红色滚边,金色锚形纽扣,领口和袖子末端有圆形金属刺绣,黑色皮革肩环,黑色丝绸衬里(破损,有瑕疵)。附带一条深蓝色布质长裤(有小蛀虫孔),红底金色花边横向条纹,铁质纽扣。所有物品都装在原装的储物箱中(尺寸为 54 x 42 x 22 厘米,其中一个封口扣丢失),箱体用绿色皮革包裹,饰有金色压花棕榈楣饰。此外,这把剑的单刃剑身保存完好,呈蓝色,剑柄镀金,带有珍珠母鳞片和皮质剑鞘(全长 95 厘米)。 局部略有损坏,有使用和陈旧的痕迹。罕见的早期组合,保存完好。 状况:II

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Leibniz, Gottfried WilhelmPrincipia Philosophiae (i.e. Monadologie). In: Actorum Eruditorum ... Supplementa Tomus VII. Leipzig, Breitkopf, 1721. S. 500-514. (Und:) Des Herrn Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz Lehrsätze über die Monadologie &c. In: Acta Eruditorum anno MDCCXXI, S. 94/95 (Christian Wolffs Rezension). Zus. mit einem weiteren Jg. (1720) u. einem weiteren Supplement (VI, 1721) in 2 Bänden. 8°. Pgt. d. Zt. mit span. Kanten, 1 Bd. mit Farbschnitt u. goldgepr. RTitel (etw. berieben, tls. fleckig). Philosophie Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm Principia Philosophiae (i.e. Monadologie). In: Actorum Eruditorum ... Supplementa Tomus VII. Leipzig, Breitkopf, 1721. S. 500-514. (Und:) Des Herrn Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz Lehrsätze über die Monadologie &c. In: Acta Eruditorum anno MDCCXXI, S. 94/95 (Christian Wolffs Rezension). Zus. mit einem weiteren Jg. (1720) u. einem weiteren Supplement (VI, 1721) in 2 Bänden. 8°. Pgt. d. Zt. mit span. Kanten, 1 Bd. mit Farbschnitt u. goldgepr. RTitel (etw. berieben, tls. fleckig). Erste lateinische Ausgabe des Hauptwerkes der Leibniz'schen Philosophie in der Übersetzung Christian Wolffs, die für die Verbreitung von Leibniz' Philosophie von großer Bedeutung war, da der ursprüngliche, auf Französisch und nur für einen kleinen Kreis von Gelehrten verfasste Text nicht vor 1840 im Druck erschien. Eine nur in sehr geringer Auflage gedruckte und dementsprechend seltene deutsche Übersetzung von Hermann Köhler aus dem Jahr 1720 kursierte praktisch nur unter der Hand. Hier zusammen mit Wolffs anonym erschienenen Rezension der deutschen Übersetzung der "Monadologie", die enormen Einfluss auf die Rezeption des Textes bis in die Moderne ausübte. "Until the XXth century, criticism about Leibniz's 'Principles of Nature and Grace' and 'Monadology' has been characterised by a number of mistakes and misunderstandings, which have roots in the circumstances surrounding the genesis of these manuscripts. As a consequence, erroneous information about these texts was included in an anonymous review, published in 1721 in the 'Acta eruditorum' of Leipzig. Research on primary sources proves that the author of this review (who was in fact the author of the latin translation of the Monadology, published immediately afterwards) was Christian Wolff, who was in possession of a copy of Leibniz's manuscript as early as 1717. Wolff's initiative of translating the Monadology can be seen as part of a cultural strategy aiming to prevent any idealistic interpretation of Leibniz's monadological thought. From this point of view, to consider the theory of pre-established harmony as based on a system of strictly dualistic metaphysics was an essential element of Wolff's philosophical strategy."(Antonio Lamarra: Contexte génétique et première reception de la "Monadologie". Leibniz, Wolff et la doctrine de l'harmonie préétablie). - Die Acta 1720 u. 1721 mit einigen meist gefalt. Kupfertafeln. - Papierbedingt leicht gebräunt, 1 Bd. mit Stempel der Gymnasialbibliothek zu Torgau, der andere an Schnitt u. Vorsatz stockfleckig, sonst insg. wohlerhalten. 2 vols. containing (among others) the first Latin edition of Leibniz's Monadology and the review by Christian Wolff. Contemp. vellum, 1 vol. with col. edges and gilt stamped title to spine (somewhat rubbed, partially stained). - First Latin edition of the main work of Leibniz's philosophy in Christian Wolff's translation, which was of great importance for the dissemination of Leibniz's philosophy, as the original text, written in French and only for a small circle of scholars, did not appear in print until 1840. A German translation by Hermann Köhler from 1720, which was only printed in a very small number of copies and was correspondingly rare, was practically only circulated by hand. Here, together with Wolff's anonymously published review of the German translation of the "Monadology", which exerted an enormous influence on the reception of the text right up to the modern age. "Until the XXth century, criticism about Leibniz's 'Principles of Nature and Grace' and 'Monadology' has been characterised by a number of mistakes and misunderstandings, which have roots in the circumstances surrounding the genesis of these manuscripts. As a consequence, erroneous information about these texts was included in an anonymous review, published in 1721 in the 'Acta eruditorum' of Leipzig. Research on primary sources proves that the author of this review (who was in fact the author of the latin translation of the Monadology, published immediately afterwards) was Christian Wolff, who was in possession of a copy of Leibniz's manuscript as early as 1717. Wolff's initiative of translating the Monadology can be seen as part of a cultural strategy aiming to prevent any idealistic interpretation of Leibniz's monadological thought. From this point of view, to consider the theory of pre-established harmony as based on a system of strictly dualistic metaphysics was an es