Etienne Alexandre Stella (? - 1892): Two allegorical depictions of spring and su…

Etienne Alexandre Stella (? - 1892): Two allegorical depictions of spring and summer, patinated bronze, late 19th C.

艾蒂安-亚历山大-斯特拉(Etienne Alexandre Stella)(?-1892):两幅春夏寓言画,青铜釉面,十九世纪末。 高 83 厘米 参考:纽约苏富比,1999 年 11 月 3 日,拍 卖品号:180,全套(见附加图片)


Etienne Alexandre Stella (? - 1892): Two allegorical depictions of spring and summer, patinated bronze, late 19th C.

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