Edward Portielje (1861-1949): The sewing fisherman's wife, oil on canvas 爱德华-波特耶…

Edward Portielje (1861-1949): The sewing fisherman's wife, oil on canvas

爱德华-波特耶(1861-1949):《缝纫渔夫的妻子》,布面油画 作品:44.5 x 37 厘米 画框:70 x 62.5 厘米 参考文献 - I. Bruynooghe,"Het oeuvre van/The works of Portielje Jan - Gerard - Edward",Roeselare,2001 年,第 296 页。


Edward Portielje (1861-1949): The sewing fisherman's wife, oil on canvas

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