VARIOUS AUTHORS (17th century / 18th century) "Little old masters 17th-18th cent…

VARIOUS AUTHORS (17th century / 18th century) "Little old masters 17th-18th century"

40 幅小幅版画和蚀刻版画 作家或作者:Giovanni Benedetto Castiglioni(1616-1670 年)、Hendrik Goltzius(1558-1616 年)、Joseph Heintz the Elder(1564-1609 年)、Virgil Solis(1514-1562 年)、Adriaen van Ostade(1610-1684 年)、Jacob Isaakszoon Ruysdael(1628-1682 年)、David Teniers(1582-1649 年)、Richard Cooper the Elder(1701-1764 年)等。这些作品装在一本巧克力色的皮革画册中。尺寸:足迹:每幅 7 x 4 厘米


VARIOUS AUTHORS (17th century / 18th century) "Little old masters 17th-18th century"

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