Null "Chaise Longue" model LC/4, design by Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret and Ch…

"Chaise Longue" model LC/4, design by Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret and Charlotte Perriand Cassina, c.1970 金属和钢结构,带瑕疵的饼干和皮革坐垫。签名为 "Le Corbusier LC/4 E0202"。尺寸:67 x 163 x 53 厘米


"Chaise Longue" model LC/4, design by Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret and Charlotte Perriand Cassina, c.1970 金属和钢结构,带瑕疵的饼干和皮革坐垫。签名为 "Le Corbusier LC/4 E0202"。尺寸:67 x 163 x 53 厘米

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源于 "LE CORBUSIER"(1887 年,瑞士 - 1965 年,法国),80-90 年代。 LC4 躺椅。 金属结构和皮革装饰。 连接结构和椅套的一个皮革挂钩破损。铁质底座上有锈迹。 尺寸:90 x 55 x 160 厘米。 LC 4 chaise longue 是勒-柯布西耶最著名的家具,曾在 1929 年的 Automne du Design 沙龙上展出。它是一款纯粹、激进的设计,在当时赢得了一致好评,至今仍是 20 世纪设计的经典之作。这款现代版家具的软垫比原来的设计更多,因而更加舒适。 勒-柯布西耶是建筑理论家、建筑师、设计师和画家,瑞士人,入籍法国,被认为是现代建筑运动最明确的代表人物之一,也是 20 世纪最具影响力的建筑师之一。他提出的新建筑理念基于五个要点,而这五个要点是这门学科日后发展的关键:自由平面、花园露台、"pilotis"、纵向窗户和自由立面。他最杰出的建筑项目包括巴黎大学城瑞士馆、马赛住宅区和龙尚圣母教堂。作为一名家具设计师,勒-柯布西耶与皮埃尔-让内雷(Pierre Jeanneret)和夏洛特-佩里扬(Charlotte Perriand)合作完成了他的第一批作品,并在 1925 年的巴黎装饰艺术展上获得了最终的推动力。勒-柯布西耶的第一把椅子和扶手椅就以舒适为出发点,并以人体测量学研究为基础,保证了对人体的完全适应性。勒-柯布西耶与让内雷(Jeanneret)和佩里安德(Perriand)共同设计的第一把椅子是 LC1,于 1928 年展出,其特点是靠背高度可调,使用者可以选择最舒适的姿势。在 1929 年的设计沙龙(Salon d'Automne du Design)上,他推出了 LC4 长椅,这是一款纯粹而激进的设计,如今已成为经典之作。同样著名的还有他的 LC2、LC3 和 LC5 设计,这些单座、双座和三座沙发的设计彻底改变了现代家具的批量生产。我们还必须强调凳子和餐椅的设计,如在 1929 年沙龙展上展出的 LC7 或 LC8。勒-柯布西耶、让纳雷和佩里安德希望为家中的所有房间设计家具,因此他们设计了像 LC9 这样的作品,这是一款用于浴室的凳子,非常简洁,带有织物座椅。勒-柯布西耶还设计了其他类型的家具,如桌子和架子。他的设计目前由意大利 Cassina 公司编辑,并被纽约现代艺术博物馆或伦敦维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆等重要机构收藏。

LE CORBUSIER; PIERRE JEANNERET (Genoa, 1896-1967), CHARLOTTE PERRIAND (France, 1903-1999) for CASSINA. Armchair LC 2, design 1928. Chrome-plated tubular steel frame, loose cushions upholstered in brown leather. Stamp and serial number engraved on the frame. Minor signs of wear. Frame with small marks. Measurements: 67/47 cm (height). The LC2 armchair was designed by Le Corbusier and Charlotte Perriand for Cassina (1928) and, like the contemporary LC3 series, was defined by its creators as a "basket of cushions", and conceived as a response to the traditional armchair, which inverts the dialogue between structure and cushions, leaving the former visible. Architectural theorist, architect, designer and painter, Le Corbusier is considered one of the clearest exponents of the Modern Movement in architecture, and one of the most influential architects of the 20th century. He developed a new architecture based on five points that would be key to the development of this discipline from then on: the free plan, the terrace-garden, the "pilotis", the longitudinal window and the free façade. Among his most outstanding architectural projects were the Swiss Pavilion in the Cité Universitaire in Paris, the Unité d'Habitation in Marseilles and the chapel of Notre Dame du Aut. in Ronchamp. As a furniture designer, Le Corbusier produced his first creations together with Pierre Jeanneret and Charlotte Perriand, and received his definitive impetus at the Paris Exposition des Arts Décoratifs in 1925. His first chairs and armchairs were already conceived in terms of comfort, based on anthropometric studies that guaranteed total adaptability to the body. The first design that Le Corbusier created, together with Jeanneret and Perriand, was the LC1 chair, presented in 1928 and characterised by a height-adjustable backrest that allowed the user to choose the most comfortable posture. He continued to work along these lines, and at the 1929 Salon d'Automne du Design he presented his LC4 chaise longue, a purist and radical design that has become a classic today. Equally well known are his LC2, LC3 and LC5 designs, one-, two- and three-seater sofas designed to revolutionise the mass production of modern furniture. We should also mention the design of stools and dining chairs, such as the LC7, presented at the 1929 Salon d'Automne or the LC8. Le Corbusier, Jeanneret and Perriand sought to design furniture for all the rooms in the house, and so they created pieces such as LC9, a very simple stool for the bathroom with a fabric seat. Le Corbusier also created other types of furniture, such as tables and shelves. His designs are currently published by the Italian company Cassina, and are present in important collections such as that of the MoMA in New York and the Victoria & Albert in London.