Null 古罗大象面具。象牙海岸,约 1950-60 年 尺寸:70 厘米高 这个雕刻精美的古罗大象面具代表着赞布尔妻子 Gu 的灵魂,是一种超自然的存在。Gu…

古罗大象面具。象牙海岸,约 1950-60 年 尺寸:70 厘米高 这个雕刻精美的古罗大象面具代表着赞布尔妻子 Gu 的灵魂,是一种超自然的存在。Gu通常被描绘成一种动物。古罗人崇拜五种动物:羚羊、鬣狗、豹、鳄鱼和大象。这些动物主要生活在这个拥有 20 万人口的部落所在的大草原和热带森林中。展览:2022 - 2024 年--富埃特文图拉岛 "非洲艺术:祖先之光 "拉恩塔拉达灯塔。2021 - 2022 - 巴拿马城。巴拿马政府。"非洲艺术:祖先的精神 "文化部总部,老城。2019 - 2020 - 圣克鲁斯-德特内里费。Caja Canarias 基金会。"爱国主义广场总部。2019 - 2020 - 圣克鲁斯-德拉帕尔马。加那利基金会。"非洲-贝尔:大陆的艺术"。圣克鲁斯-德拉帕尔马。圣克鲁斯-德拉帕尔马。2013 - 2015 - 非洲和大洋洲艺术博物馆(MADAO),塞哥维亚,圣伊尔德丰索大草原 2005 --------- "黑非洲 "皮革博物馆。维克 - 巴塞罗那。2004 .......... "黑非洲 "Caixa Laietana 基金会。巴塞罗那主展厅。


古罗大象面具。象牙海岸,约 1950-60 年 尺寸:70 厘米高 这个雕刻精美的古罗大象面具代表着赞布尔妻子 Gu 的灵魂,是一种超自然的存在。Gu通常被描绘成一种动物。古罗人崇拜五种动物:羚羊、鬣狗、豹、鳄鱼和大象。这些动物主要生活在这个拥有 20 万人口的部落所在的大草原和热带森林中。展览:2022 - 2024 年--富埃特文图拉岛 "非洲艺术:祖先之光 "拉恩塔拉达灯塔。2021 - 2022 - 巴拿马城。巴拿马政府。"非洲艺术:祖先的精神 "文化部总部,老城。2019 - 2020 - 圣克鲁斯-德特内里费。Caja Canarias 基金会。"爱国主义广场总部。2019 - 2020 - 圣克鲁斯-德拉帕尔马。加那利基金会。"非洲-贝尔:大陆的艺术"。圣克鲁斯-德拉帕尔马。圣克鲁斯-德拉帕尔马。2013 - 2015 - 非洲和大洋洲艺术博物馆(MADAO),塞哥维亚,圣伊尔德丰索大草原 2005 --------- "黑非洲 "皮革博物馆。维克 - 巴塞罗那。2004 .......... "黑非洲 "Caixa Laietana 基金会。巴塞罗那主展厅。

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JAVIER MARISCAL (Almazora, Castellón, 1950) for Akaba. Garriris" chair, 1987. Chrome-plated square steel tube frame with aluminum, plywood seat and red leather upholstery. In very good condition. This model is in important collections and museums such as the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, and the Museu del Disseny in Barcelona. It was exhibited at the George Pompidou in Paris for the Nouvelles Tendances exhibition in 1987. Measurements: 97 x 44 x 60 cm. The Garriris chair assimilates the animated character Mickey Mouse with the iconic ears on the backrest and his characteristic shoes. Renowned industrial designer, cartoonist and comic artist, Javier Mariscal has lived and worked in Barcelona since 1970. He studied design at the Elisava School in Barcelona, but soon abandoned his studies to learn directly from his surroundings and follow his own creative impulses. He began his career in the world of underground comics in publications such as "El Rrollo Enmascarado" or "Star", along with Farry, Nazario and Pepichek. After making his first own comics in the mid-seventies, in 1979 he designed the Bar Cel Ona logo, a work for which he began to be known by the general public. The following year the Dúplex opened in Valencia, the first bar signed by Mariscal, together with Fernando Salas, for which he designed one of his most famous pieces, the Dúplex stool, a true icon of design in the eighties both inside and outside our borders. In 1981 his work as a furniture designer led him to participate in the exhibition of the Memphis Group in Milan. In 1987 he exhibited at the Georges Pompidou Center in Paris and participated in the Documenta in Kassel. Two years later his design Cobi is chosen as the mascot for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, controversial at first but now recognized as the most profitable mascot in the history of the modern Games. In 1989 he created Estudio Mariscal and collaborated on various projects with designers and architects such as Arata Isozaki, Alfredo Arribas, Fernando Salas, Fernando Amat and Pepe Cortés. Among his most outstanding works are the visual identities for the Swedish Socialist Party, the Onda Cero radio station, the Barcelona Zoo, the University of Valencia, the Lighthouse design and architecture center in Glasgow, the GranShip cultural center in Japan, and the London post-production company Framestore. In 1999 he received the National Design Prize, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry and the BCD Foundation in recognition of his entire professional career.

BØRGE MOGENSEN (Denmark, 1914 – 1972). Birch. Upholstery in ecru colour fabric. Birch. Measurements: 84 x 60 x 47 cm. Pair of Danish armchairs with a birch structure. Light in structure, its legs have a cylindrical section, wider in the center, and the armrests have a markedly curved, flattened format. Børge Mogensen was one of the most prominent representatives of the generation of designers who gave rise to the concept of Danish design, today known throughout the world. He began his career as a cabinetmaker in 1934, and two years later he began his studies at the Copenhagen School of Arts and Crafts, where he had Kaare Klint as a teacher. He then entered the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, graduating as an architect in 1942. That same year he began working as design director for FDB, finally setting up on his own in 1950. Functional is the word that best describes Mogensen's design. ; Most of his creations were conceived for industrial production, and are characterized by solid and simple lines, studied in an almost scientific way to be as functional as possible. His clean, highly functional aesthetic resulted in affordable and practical designs, his favorite material being wood. The client portfolio for which he worked includes Fredericia Stolefabrik, Fritz Hansen and Søborg Møbelfabrik, among others. Notable projects include Spokeback Sofa (1945) and Spanish Chair (1959), as well as a variety of shelving and storage designs. He was honored with the Eckersberg Medal in 1950, the Copenhagen Woodworking Guild's annual award in 1953, and the C.F. Hansen Medal in 1972.

VERNER PANTON (Denmark, 1926 - 1998) for FRITZ HANSEN. Chaiselong "Relaxer Chair K". Designed in 1973. Black leather capitonné. Produced by Fritz Hansen. It shows signs of use. Measurements: 102 x 137 x 60 cm. The Relaxer Chair K is a lounger designed for the total comfort of the user. Its high backrest and ergonomic shape adapt perfectly to the body of each user. Verner Panton was famous for his exuberant forms and this chair is a wonderful example. Considered one of the most influential personalities of late 20th century furniture design, Verner Panton created a variety of innovative and futuristic designs during his career, especially constructed in plastic and brightly colored. Most of his best-known designs are still in production. Verner attended the Odense Technical School and then studied architecture at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, graduating in 1951. In the early years of his career, between 1950 and 1942, he worked in the architectural office of Arne Jacobsen. In 1955 he opened his own architecture and design studio, becoming famous with his furniture based on geometric shapes, manufactured by the company Plus-linje. In the late 1950s his chair designs, with no legs and no discernible back, became increasingly unconventional. In the 1960s Panton began his collaboration with the firm Vitra, which has been very close ever since, culminating in 2000 with the Panton retrospective exhibition held at the Vitra Design Museum. He is currently represented at the DesignMuseum in London and the MoMA in New York, among many others.

弗里茨-利奥波德-海尼格,夏季的溪流 山间风景中溪流两岸的树木,浮雕风景画,卡片上的油画,约 1950 年,左下方有 "FLH "字样,背面有工作室的痕迹,铅字注释模糊不清,有两个艺术家标签,每个标签上都有艺术家的 "FLH "字样和亲笔签名以及不同的文字 "Sonderklasse - Alle Gemälde der Sonderklasse tragen dieses Qualitätszeichen mit meiner in Tinte vollgezogenen eigenhändigen Unterschrift: Prof. F. L. Hennig.F. L. Hennig. "和 "Kunstwerkstatt Hennig - Motiv Prof. F. L. Hennig(未经许可禁止复制)......由于仿制品众多,所有离开我艺术工作室的画作背面都有我用墨水手写的签名:"Prof. F. L. Hennig"",需要清洗,装裱,折叠尺寸约 60 x 80.5 厘米。艺术家信息:德国画家、平面艺术家、商业艺术家、制图员、小说家、剧作家和歌剧作家(1895 年至 1951 年,但泽),曾作为海军飞行员参加第一次世界大战,在数次飞机失事中幸存,1918 年 5 月 17 日被威廉-霍亨索伦亲王授予 "Bene Merenti 勋章",1918-21 年在德累斯顿学院学习,20 世纪 20 年代和 30 年代在格但斯克附近的索波特[Engl.:1945年移居德累斯顿,创办德累斯顿艺术和应用艺术培训讲习班并担任主任,被苏联占领当局任命为教授、1949 年培训讲习班解散,随后在德累斯顿-奥伯洛斯维茨成为自由画家、平面艺术家和作家,据称创作了歌剧 "Nun schlägt's 13",1948 年在乌尔岑首演,1940 年起成为帝国艺术博物馆成员,1945 年后成为魏玛歌德协会成员,资料来源:维基百科:资料来源:维基百科。