Null NELSON ZUMEL Baltar, Orense (1928) / Madrid (2022) "Landscape (Abstraction)…

NELSON ZUMEL Baltar, Orense (1928) / Madrid (2022) "Landscape (Abstraction)", 1991 纸板上的混合技法 右下角有签名。尺寸:24 x 41 厘米


NELSON ZUMEL Baltar, Orense (1928) / Madrid (2022) "Landscape (Abstraction)", 1991 纸板上的混合技法 右下角有签名。尺寸:24 x 41 厘米

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GEORGE NELSON (United States, 1908 - 1986) for HERMAN MILLER. Pair of armchairs 5681, 1960s. Steel frame. Fabric upholstery. Original condition with hardened foam. It is recommended to reupholster. Measurements: 72 x 80 x 82 cm; 40 cm (seat height). This pair of armchairs is in the midcentury design of the sixties, with a metal frame that houses soft seats and backrests. The design is fully modern but still conceived through dialogue with classic furniture. Worthy continuators of the international style. George Nelson graduated in architecture from Yale University (1928), and later studied art in Rome. He specialized in industrial, interior and exhibition design, and was, along with Charles and Ray Eames, one of the founding fathers of American modernism. While in Italy he traveled the length and breadth of Europe, meeting a number of pioneers of the modern movement, including Mies van der Rohe. In 1935 he joined the editorial staff of "Architectural Forum", a magazine of which he would first become associate editor until 1943, and then editorial advisor until 1949. During this period he worked with Frank Lloyd Wright on a special issue of the magazine, which marked Wright's return to the scene at the time. Nelson defended, sometimes fiercely, the principles of the modern movement, even irritating many of his colleagues who, as industrial designers, made, according to Nelson, too many concessions to the commercial forces of industry. The American believed that the work of a designer should serve to improve the world because, in his view, nature is already perfect, and man spoiled it by creating things that did not really follow natural rules. In 1945 Nelson began working for the firm Herman Miller, and it was then that he really began to design furniture, occupying the position of design director. That same year Nelson's first collection for the firm was published, beginning a collaboration that would result in some of the most famous furniture designs of the 20th century. Today his designs can be seen in the Vitra Museum of Design (he began collaborating with the firm in 1957) and the MoMA in New York, among many other public and private collections.

JAVIER TERCERO(巴尔德佩尼亚斯,雷阿尔城,1970 年)。 无题。循环宇宙系列五,2022 年。 布面丙烯和气溶胶。 附作者目录。 背面有签名、日期和标题。 尺寸:181 x 120 厘米:181 x 120 厘米。 Javier Tercero,Valdepeñas,曾在 Tomelloso(C. Real)的 EASDAL 学习技术设计和造型艺术,专攻 "艺术摄影"。他曾在以下机构举办个展文化中心 "Cecilio Muñoz Fillol"、市立博物馆和展览中心 La Confianza de Valdepeñas、马德里展览馆-Primavera-Casa del Reloj、Alcorcón 艺术中心(马德里)、IES Ramón Giraldo de Villanueva de los Infantes 和托梅洛索 EASDAL Antonio López。他还参加了其他集体活动,我们重点介绍其中的一些活动:第九届格雷戈里奥-普列托全国大赛,巴尔德佩尼亚斯和马德里市立博物馆;第十届雷阿尔城安赫尔-安德拉德造型艺术大赛;巴尔德佩尼亚斯第六十二届全国造型艺术展览;第六届艺术与能源联盟费诺萨大赛;第九届维拉-扎内蒂全国大赛(布尔戈斯);帕洛马-桑斯画廊(马德里);PHOCO 国际摄影大赛;巴尔德佩尼亚斯市立博物馆和雷阿尔城洛佩斯-比利亚塞尼奥尔赫苏斯-巴尔塞纳斯绘画奖。 他的作品被许多具有重要艺术价值的机构收藏,其中包括卡斯蒂利亚-拉曼恰社区委员会收藏、费尔南多-佐贝尔学院收藏。昆卡、雷阿尔城省议会、曼萨纳雷斯市议会、UNION FENOSA 的当代艺术收藏。Museo de Pintura Hispanoamericana de Palacio de Losada 和坎塔布里亚的 Torrelavega 市议会。还有许多其他收藏。 作者目录附后。