A very rare flintlock pistol for an officer of the Noble Guard signed Mazzocchi …

A very rare flintlock pistol for an officer of the Noble Guard signed Mazzocchi

年代:19 世纪早期产地:19 世纪早期Stato Pontificio,滑膛枪,圆形,16 毫米口径枪管,八角形后膛和极短的枪肋。带锁板的燧发枪,署名 "Fll.Fll. Mazzocchi "字样的燧发枪,黄铜枪托。木制全枪托(前端盖有纹理和修复),枪托上有细格纹,底座上有蜘蛛网雕刻。黄铜枪托,枪托板上刻有军官姓名首字母,边框刻有花卉图案。黄铜尖头木制枪杆。


A very rare flintlock pistol for an officer of the Noble Guard signed Mazzocchi

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