A cavalry helmet of the Cuirassiers of Amadeus, Duke of Savoy and King of Spain …

A cavalry helmet of the Cuirassiers of Amadeus, Duke of Savoy and King of Spain

年代:1871 - 1873 年出处:Italia e Spagna,德制银质头骨,徽章上印有一颗大星和葡萄状图案,面罩部分形似龙头,带有黑色鬃毛(与当时的意大利头盔款式相同),饰有皇家字母 "A I°",黄铜放射状花纹,带有银质徽章,徽章上印有西班牙徽章,正面小椭圆形处印有萨伏亚十字架,翎羽固定器,带有叶片的护脖,鳞片状下巴带,带有星形面颊片,内侧为皮革。


A cavalry helmet of the Cuirassiers of Amadeus, Duke of Savoy and King of Spain

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