Null 徽章-装饰。Patches, ranks, medals of Walter S. Kip II, private 1st class, 66th D…

徽章-装饰。Patches, ranks, medals of Walter S. Kip II, private 1st class, 66th Div., 20 th Army, with his identity card, all presented in a "War service record" case, enclosed is the "Honorable discharge" certificate of Joseph P. Broccolo, 394th infantry regt, 99th Div.ABE


徽章-装饰。Patches, ranks, medals of Walter S. Kip II, private 1st class, 66th Div., 20 th Army, with his identity card, all presented in a "War service record" case, enclosed is the "Honorable discharge" certificate of Joseph P. Broccolo, 394th infantry regt, 99th Div.ABE

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