Null (BANQUE DE FRANCE) Letter signed CHEUVREY to Mme VAILLANT de Mémoront, rue …

(BANQUE DE FRANCE) Letter signed CHEUVREY to Mme VAILLANT de Mémoront, rue St Jean à DIJON (21) - Paris 28 oct. 1806: "Mr CRETET whom you know very well has just been called to the Government of the Bank of France..." he asks him for a letter of recommendation for a job in his Administration - (Emmanuel CRETET, comte de Champmol) 1747 - 1809 - Legislator, State Councillor, Governor of the Bank of France Minister.(这封信被用作草稿)


(BANQUE DE FRANCE) Letter signed CHEUVREY to Mme VAILLANT de Mémoront, rue St Jean à DIJON (21) - Paris 28 oct. 1806: "Mr CRETET whom you know very well has just been called to the Government of the Bank of France..." he asks him for a letter of recommendation for a job in his Administration - (Emmanuel CRETET, comte de Champmol) 1747 - 1809 - Legislator, State Councillor, Governor of the Bank of France Minister.(这封信被用作草稿)

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