Null [India] Malleson, G.B. History of the French in India From the founding of …

[India] Malleson, G.B. History of the French in India From the founding of Pondicherry in 1674 to the capture of that place in 1761.伦敦,Longmans, Green and Co., 1868, XI,(1),583 p., fold.原为图书馆藏本,标题页背面盖有 "Bibliotheek van de 2e Kamer der Staten-Generaal "印章。有一些小瑕疵。


[India] Malleson, G.B. History of the French in India From the founding of Pondicherry in 1674 to the capture of that place in 1761.伦敦,Longmans, Green and Co., 1868, XI,(1),583 p., fold.原为图书馆藏本,标题页背面盖有 "Bibliotheek van de 2e Kamer der Staten-Generaal "印章。有一些小瑕疵。

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