Null [1970 年代]斯坦利-布鲁恩,《拉巴斯》 希丹,Stedelijk 博物馆,1970 年。软皮,19.4 x 19.6 厘米,48 页。这是在布劳…

[1970 年代]斯坦利-布鲁恩,《拉巴斯》 希丹,Stedelijk 博物馆,1970 年。软皮,19.4 x 19.6 厘米,48 页。这是在布劳恩的展览期间出版的艺术家画册,画册中在地板上画了箭头,参观者被邀请朝几个城市的方向走几米。书中有 21 个方向指示,如 "朝拉巴斯方向走 95 米,朝朗贡方向走 11 米,朝马德里方向走 4 米"。黑色封皮上有轻微划痕(只有在特定光线下才能看到),书角有微小凹凸,其他方面都非常好。


[1970 年代]斯坦利-布鲁恩,《拉巴斯》 希丹,Stedelijk 博物馆,1970 年。软皮,19.4 x 19.6 厘米,48 页。这是在布劳恩的展览期间出版的艺术家画册,画册中在地板上画了箭头,参观者被邀请朝几个城市的方向走几米。书中有 21 个方向指示,如 "朝拉巴斯方向走 95 米,朝朗贡方向走 11 米,朝马德里方向走 4 米"。黑色封皮上有轻微划痕(只有在特定光线下才能看到),书角有微小凹凸,其他方面都非常好。

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Marc Chagall Typed Letter Signed on 1969 Grand Palais Exhibition TLS in French, one page, 8.25 x 10.5, La Colline letterhead, September 29, 1969. Letter to Madame A. A. Juviler, in part (translated): "I address myself to you personally, which I do, you know, very rarely, but a large and important exhibition of my work is getting underway at the Grand Palais as well as at the Bibliothèque Nationale, in Paris, and it would mean a lot that the picture 'en écountant le coq' could appear in it. You must have received a letter from the Director of the Museums of France, M. Chatelain, as well as from the Director of the Museum of Modern Art, M. Leymarie, Superintendent of the exhibition that the government is organizing after November 25th. During this retrospective, stained glass windows, tapestries, sculptures, ceramics, engravings will all be equally presented at the Bibliothèque Nationale. The loan on your part would be encouraging for me, and a sign of sympathy that I would particularly appreciate. I would be happy that you would want to respond to me as well as to the Directors of the Museums, M.M. Chatelain and M. Leymarie." In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. Chagall refers to one of his most colorful and dramatic works, 'En écountant le coq [Listening to the Rooster],' which was owned by Adolphe A. Juviler and had previously been lent to the Museum of Modern Art in New York City for inclusion in its 1946 retrospective of Chagall's works. Mrs. Juvelir subsequently consented to Chagall's request, agreeing to lend the work to the exhibition 'Hommage a Marc Chagall,' held at the Grand Palais from December 13, 1969-March 8, 1970.