Null China - Smoker's set comprising five cloisonné enamel pieces, a match-holde…

China - Smoker's set comprising five cloisonné enamel pieces, a match-holder, a tobacco box, a pipe, a cigarette case and an ashtray. 重量: 1.10 kg 可送货 区域: Chine 尺寸: DIVERS MESURS 状态: 第一眼:状况良好


China - Smoker's set comprising five cloisonné enamel pieces, a match-holder, a tobacco box, a pipe, a cigarette case and an ashtray. 重量: 1.10 kg 可送货 区域: Chine 尺寸: DIVERS MESURS 状态: 第一眼:状况良好

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