Null China - Set of three posters circa 1930. "The Three Friends" and "Summer Pa…

China - Set of three posters circa 1930. "The Three Friends" and "Summer Palace". Produced by Shanghai Zhengxing Company in the Republic of China. 重量: 250 g 可送货 尺寸: H 800MM X L 520MM 状态: 乍一看:正常磨损/使用后的铜绿


China - Set of three posters circa 1930. "The Three Friends" and "Summer Palace". Produced by Shanghai Zhengxing Company in the Republic of China. 重量: 250 g 可送货 尺寸: H 800MM X L 520MM 状态: 乍一看:正常磨损/使用后的铜绿

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