Ɵ A group of approximately one hundred and fifty-two mainly Chinese auction cata…

Ɵ A group of approximately one hundred and fifty-two mainly Chinese auction catalogues 國藝術拍賣圖錄一組約152本

Ɵ A group of approximately one and fifty two mainly Chinese auction catalogues 中国艺术品拍卖图录一 组约152本 Ɵ 表示拍品为零税率拍品,因此需支付不含增值税的26%的买家溢价(0%增值税)。这适用于装订书籍(手稿和印刷品)、无框地图和画册。


Ɵ A group of approximately one hundred and fifty-two mainly Chinese auction catalogues 國藝術拍賣圖錄一組約152本

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