Two Russian icons, depicting the Crucifixion with inlaid brass cross, and of the…

Two Russian icons, depicting the Crucifixion with inlaid brass cross, and of the Evangelist Mark, 19thC 45 x 34 cm. (17.7 x 13.3 in.)

两幅俄罗斯圣像,分别描绘了镶嵌黄铜十字架的耶稣受难像和福音书作者马克像,19 世纪 45 x 34 厘米(17.7 x 13.3 英寸)。(17.7 x 13.3 英寸)。


Two Russian icons, depicting the Crucifixion with inlaid brass cross, and of the Evangelist Mark, 19thC 45 x 34 cm. (17.7 x 13.3 in.)

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