A Chinese copper-red and underglaze blue 'Phoenixes amongst Peonies' albarello l…

A Chinese copper-red and underglaze blue 'Phoenixes amongst Peonies' albarello lantern vase, with a Cai Hua Tang Zhi mark, fixed with bronze mounts, Total H 38,5 cm

中国铜红釉里红 "凤戏牡丹 "灯笼瓶,带 "彩华堂 "款,固定铜座,总高38.5厘米 中国铜红、釉下青花 "凤戏牡丹 "灯笼瓶,瓶身饰铜红釉下牡丹双凤纹,其间饰釉下青花云卷蝙蝠纹,颈部饰卷枝莲纹,有 "彩华堂 "款,固定铜座,总高38.5厘米


A Chinese copper-red and underglaze blue 'Phoenixes amongst Peonies' albarello lantern vase, with a Cai Hua Tang Zhi mark, fixed with bronze mounts, Total H 38,5 cm

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