A small collection of three monochrome blue glazed porcelain ware, Qianlong peri…

A small collection of three monochrome blue glazed porcelain ware, Qianlong period and late Qing, Tallest H 21,5 cm

三件单色蓝釉瓷器小型收藏,乾隆时期和晚清,最高高21.5厘米 中国宝蓝盒与盖,通体施半透明深宝蓝釉,雕柳条纹,内壁与底部施绿松石釉,乾隆时期/18世纪,高5 - 11,5 x 8厘米 中国单色蓝釉瓶和绿松石裂纹釉梅瓶,晚清,高 13,2 - 21,5 厘米


A small collection of three monochrome blue glazed porcelain ware, Qianlong period and late Qing, Tallest H 21,5 cm

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