A collection of twelve Chinese snuff bottles, including an enamelled copper 'Boy…

A collection of twelve Chinese snuff bottles, including an enamelled copper 'Boy and Water Buffalo' bottle, others mainly in mineral, late Qing, tallest H 7,5 cm (12)

十二件中国鼻烟壶收藏,包括一件铜胎珐琅彩水牛童子鼻烟壶,其他主要为矿物,晚清,最高的高7,5厘米 (12) 一系列十二件中国鼻烟壶,主要为矿物质地,晚清,最高的高7,5厘米,包括一件广东铜胎珐琅彩水牛童子鼻烟壶,底部有晚清乾隆款,两件青花仙人瓶,晚清 (12) 尺寸: 鼻烟壶,高 5 - 7.5 厘米 一件翡翠茄子图,长 7,5 厘米


A collection of twelve Chinese snuff bottles, including an enamelled copper 'Boy and Water Buffalo' bottle, others mainly in mineral, late Qing, tallest H 7,5 cm (12)

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