Pair of fawns in burnished bronze, late 19th century, the two animals are render…

Pair of fawns in burnished bronze, late 19th century, the two animals are rendered with great realism; the head is erect, while the muzzle is turned slightly to the left and right respectively; rectan…

一对抛光青铜小鹿,19 世纪晚期,两只小鹿栩栩如生;头部直立,口部分别向左和向右微微转动;长方形底座。这两尊青铜雕塑的比例复制品是帕皮里别墅(Villa dei Papiri)雕像群的一部分,帕皮里别墅是位于古代赫库兰尼姆城区外的一座贵族宅邸,现存于那不勒斯考古博物馆。 21x18x7 厘米


Pair of fawns in burnished bronze, late 19th century, the two animals are rendered with great realism; the head is erect, while the muzzle is turned slightly to the left and right respectively; rectangular bases. Scale replicas of the two bronze sculpture

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