Carved mother-of-pearl shell, late 19th/early 20th century depicting the crucifi…

Carved mother-of-pearl shell, late 19th/early 20th century depicting the crucifixion with the Virgin, St. John and the kneeling Magdalene; below, within a circular medallion, Madonna and Child; perfor…

珍珠贝母雕刻贝壳,19 世纪末/20 世纪初,描绘了圣母、圣约翰和跪着的抹大拉的尼一起受难的场景;下面的圆形徽章中是圣母和圣婴;四周有穿孔花。这种贝壳在伯利恒和耶路撒冷手工制作,是朝圣者的奢侈纪念品,一直被视为珍贵的收藏品。 15.5x14.8 厘米


Carved mother-of-pearl shell, late 19th/early 20th century depicting the crucifixion with the Virgin, St. John and the kneeling Magdalene; below, within a circular medallion, Madonna and Child; perforated flowers all around. This type of shells, handmade

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