Victorian biscuit jar in Sheffield, United Kingdom, late 19th century hemispheri…

Victorian biscuit jar in Sheffield, United Kingdom, late 19th century hemispherical body with minutely engraved palmettes and garlands, motifs repeated on the two crescent-shaped elements hinged along…

英国谢菲尔德维多利亚时期的饼干罐,19 世纪晚期,半球形罐体上有精细雕刻的棕榈花和花环,图案重复出现在两个月牙形部件上,沿直径线铰接,作为封口;内部由穿孔部件隔开,结构由带有造型贝壳脚的拱形立柱支撑;上部把手呈扭曲形状,由带有自然主义图案的支撑物固定。略有瑕疵和小缺点 19x24x15 厘米


Victorian biscuit jar in Sheffield, United Kingdom, late 19th century hemispherical body with minutely engraved palmettes and garlands, motifs repeated on the two crescent-shaped elements hinged along the diameter line placed as a closure; interior separa

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