Pair of “butterfly” appliques in leaded glass, France, late 19th/early 20th cent…

Pair of “butterfly” appliques in leaded glass, France, late 19th/early 20th century diffuser in the shape of a butterfly with spread wings made up of geometric glass tiles with a predominance of yello…

一对铅玻璃 "蝴蝶 "嵌花,法国,19 世纪末/20 世纪初,由黄色为主色调的几何形玻璃砖组成的展翅飞翔的蝴蝶形状扩香器,用铅条捆扎,25x32 厘米


Pair of “butterfly” appliques in leaded glass, France, late 19th/early 20th century diffuser in the shape of a butterfly with spread wings made up of geometric glass tiles with a predominance of yellow, tied with lead, 25x32 cm

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