Eight different ceramic "assiettes parlantes" with printed decoration in black a…

Eight different ceramic "assiettes parlantes" with printed decoration in black and blue, France, late 19th century

八件不同的陶瓷 "assiettes parlantes",带有黑色和蓝色印花装饰,法国,19 世纪晚期 其中七件出自伊波利特-布朗热(Hippolyte Boulanger)领导下的乔伊西勒罗伊陶瓷厂,灵感来自拉封丹的童话故事(每件均标有 H.B. Porcelaine de Choisy le Roy 字样);第八件出自萨雷盖米纳(Sarreguemines)陶瓷厂,描绘了题为 "国家卫队"(La Garde Nationale)的讽刺对话(标有 Opaque de Sarreguemines 字样)。 直径 20 厘米


Eight different ceramic "assiettes parlantes" with printed decoration in black and blue, France, late 19th century

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