Seated oriental figure with face and limbs in gray terracotta, turban and dress …

Seated oriental figure with face and limbs in gray terracotta, turban and dress in white/black printed vegetable fabric. This mysterious figure, with empty and expressionless eyes, recalls Wolfgang vo…

坐着的东方人物,面部和四肢为灰色陶土,头巾和衣服为白色/黑色印花植物织物。这个神秘的人物眼神空洞、面无表情,让人想起沃尔夫冈-冯-肯佩兰笔下的 "土耳其人",自 1770 年在奥地利玛丽亚-特蕾莎宫廷首次亮相以来,这个自动人偶就成为全欧洲知识分子、贵族和好奇者最喜欢谈论的话题,他们都想与他一较高下。 32x28x33 厘米


Seated oriental figure with face and limbs in gray terracotta, turban and dress in white/black printed vegetable fabric. This mysterious figure, with empty and expressionless eyes, recalls Wolfgang von Kempelen's Turk, the automaton who, since his first a

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