Null 1749.手稿:(美国)。致美国大主教、总督和州长,委托他们为本宫廷的总医院募捐。大 4º双页,手稿,时代纸,有水印。国王。Very Rev.In C…

1749.手稿:(美国)。致美国大主教、总督和州长,委托他们为本宫廷的总医院募捐。大 4º双页,手稿,时代纸,有水印。国王。Very Rev.In Christo Father Archbishop of my Council [......] the greatest care is (as one of the most urgent, because of the interest in public health) that the General Hospital of this Court is put in perfect condition, so that the sick are well attended in it [......] I have wanted to communicate them to you, in order that you may be well attended in it [.....].我希望将这些信息传达给你们,以便在同一所医院中为在宫廷中的美洲王国本地人设立私人病房[......]我警告你们,你们收集的施舍将转交给该地区的总督[......]。1749 年 9 月 7 日于布恩雷蒂罗"。


1749.手稿:(美国)。致美国大主教、总督和州长,委托他们为本宫廷的总医院募捐。大 4º双页,手稿,时代纸,有水印。国王。Very Rev.In Christo Father Archbishop of my Council [......] the greatest care is (as one of the most urgent, because of the interest in public health) that the General Hospital of this Court is put in perfect condition, so that the sick are well attended in it [......] I have wanted to communicate them to you, in order that you may be well attended in it [.....].我希望将这些信息传达给你们,以便在同一所医院中为在宫廷中的美洲王国本地人设立私人病房[......]我警告你们,你们收集的施舍将转交给该地区的总督[......]。1749 年 9 月 7 日于布恩雷蒂罗"。

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