Null ARCHI, A., ed..古代近东的传统与创新。Proc. Of the 57th Rencontre Assyr.Int. 2015.Obrds…

ARCHI, A., ed..古代近东的传统与创新。Proc. of the 57th Rencontre Assyr.Int. 2015.Obrds.-- G. FRAME, (a.o.), eds.公元 21 世纪的乌尔。Proc. of the 62nd Rencontre Assyr.Int. (2021).Obrds.-- O. DREWNOWSKA & M. SANDOWICZ, eds.Fortune and misfortune in the Ancient Near East.Proc. of the 60th Rencontre Assyr.Int. 2017.Obrds.-- M. de JONG ELLIS.Nippur at the centennial.Papers read at the 35e Rencontre Assyr.Int. 1992.Ocl. -- E. DEVECCHI, (a.o.), eds.当前的楔形文字古文字学研究。Proc. of the workshop organised at the 60th Rencontre Assyr.Int. 2015.Obrds.-- (5).


ARCHI, A., ed..古代近东的传统与创新。Proc. of the 57th Rencontre Assyr.Int. 2015.Obrds.-- G. FRAME, (a.o.), eds.公元 21 世纪的乌尔。Proc. of the 62nd Rencontre Assyr.Int. (2021).Obrds.-- O. DREWNOWSKA & M. SANDOWICZ, eds.Fortune and misfortune in the Ancient Near East.Proc. of the 60th Rencontre Assyr.Int. 2017.Obrds.-- M. de JONG ELLIS.Nippur at the centennial.Papers read at the 35e Rencontre Assyr.Int. 1992.Ocl. -- E. DEVECCHI, (a.o.), eds.当前的楔形文字古文字学研究。Proc. of the workshop organised at the 60th Rencontre Assyr.Int. 2015.Obrds.-- (5).

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