Null China - Imposing famille rose porcelain vase decorated with nine peaches, Q…

China - Imposing famille rose porcelain vase decorated with nine peaches, Qing dynasty. The vase is decorated with leafy branches of a peach tree bearing nine large fruits and slender leaves in two shades of green, a pair of iron-red bats on the neck. Unmarked (100 cm high) 重量: 40.00 kg 可送货 区域: Chine 尺寸: H 1000 mm x L 530 mm 状态: 第一眼:状态非常好


China - Imposing famille rose porcelain vase decorated with nine peaches, Qing dynasty. The vase is decorated with leafy branches of a peach tree bearing nine large fruits and slender leaves in two shades of green, a pair of iron-red bats on the neck. Unmarked (100 cm high) 重量: 40.00 kg 可送货 区域: Chine 尺寸: H 1000 mm x L 530 mm 状态: 第一眼:状态非常好

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