Christian II., Kurfürst von Sachsen. Concordia, Christliche/ widerholete/ einmüt…

Christian II., Kurfürst von Sachsen.

Concordia, Christliche/ widerholete/ einmüthige Bekentnis nach benanter Churfürsten/ Fürsten und Stände Augspurgischer Confession/ und derselben Theologen Lehre und Glaubens ; Mit angeheffter/ in Gottes Wort/ als der einigen Richtschnur/ wolgegründter Erklärung etlicher Artickel/ bei denen/ nach D. Martin Luther's blessed decease disputation and dispute occurred; From unanimously comparison and order of the aforementioned princes/ princes and estals of same lands/ churches/ schools and descendants/ for instruction and warning; from unanimously comparison and order of the aforementioned princes/ princes and estals of same lands/ churches/ schools and descendants/ for instruction and warning.Martin Luther's blessed decease disputation and dispute occurred; From unanimous comparison and order of the aforementioned princes/ princes and estates of the same lands/ churches/ schools and descendants/ for instruction and warning/ initially produced in print Anno 1580. with the superior/ of ...克里斯蒂亚尼二世先生。萨克森公爵/神圣罗马帝国大元帅和选帝侯...简短提醒/整个萨克森选帝侯领地/所有相同的教会、教堂和学校仆人。Lpz.,Lamberg,1622 年。16 nn., 330 num., 5 nn., 24 num.Prgt.(染色)。 VD 17, 12:195318 U. - 扉页右上角有磨损,前端纸有缺损。总体上是一本好书。


Christian II., Kurfürst von Sachsen.

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