A varied collection of blue, white and polychrome earthenware items, Delft, Fran…

A varied collection of blue, white and polychrome earthenware items, Delft, France and Spain, 18th/19th C.

各种蓝色、白色和多色陶器藏品,代尔夫特,法国和西班牙,18/19 世纪。 高 27 - 21.5 厘米(最高和最小的花瓶) 高 23 厘米(阿尔巴雷洛花瓶) 高 24.5 厘米(壶) 直径: 29.5 厘米(盘子)


A varied collection of blue, white and polychrome earthenware items, Delft, France and Spain, 18th/19th C.

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