Null 宇都宫邦彦 (1797-1861)
Oban tate-e from the series Yobu hakkei, Military exploit…

宇都宫邦彦 (1797-1861) Oban tate-e from the series Yobu hakkei, Military exploits of the eight views, plate Ryukyu kihan, The return of the ships to the Ryukyu Islands. 署名Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi,出版商Enshuya Matabei,审查员印章Watanabe,1852,压印和云母。 25 x 35.7 cm 出处:Wansart画廊,布鲁塞尔,1949年2月。

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宇都宫邦彦 (1797-1861) Oban tate-e from the series Yobu hakkei, Military exploits of the eight views, plate Ryukyu kihan, The return of the ships to the Ryukyu Islands. 署名Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi,出版商Enshuya Matabei,审查员印章Watanabe,1852,压印和云母。 25 x 35.7 cm 出处:Wansart画廊,布鲁塞尔,1949年2月。

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